A Descriptive View of President Trump

The expressions and comments below are not written or constructed by me. They are direct and to the point and I like what the author stated. He or she is correct. I do not know who wrote this and the only clue is the abbreviated signature of “Col (R)” meaning, I assume a military person of the rank of Colonel and is retired. I share it as a means of illustrating how many American’s feel about our President and the direction and effort he makes to keep the country safe. Unlike the Democrats, especially the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who makes every attempt at every utterance the President makes, to be negative. She is a Chinese puppet even though she does not know or understand it and consistently helps the Chinese propaganda machine.

“Consider this…when the President is a jerk The bottom line has been that Trump is a jerk. He’s crude, he bloviates, he gets his feelings hurt and he’s a hot head.

Let me tell you what else he is. He is a guy that demands performance. He is a guy that asks lots of questions. The questions he asks aren’t cloaked in fancy phrases, they are “why the hell….” questions.

For decades the health industry has thrown away billions of face masks after one use. Trump asks, “Why the hell are we throwing them away? Why not sterilize them and use them numerous times?” He’s the guy that gets hospital ships readied in one week, when it would have taken a bureaucrat weeks or months to get it done. He’s the guy that gets temporary hospitals built in three days. He’s the guy that gets industries to build ventilators and face masks in a business that’s highly regulated by agencies that move like sloths.

He’s the guy that asks why we aren’t using drugs that might work on people that are dying; what the hell do we have to lose? In spite of all the naysayers. He’s the guy that shut down travel from China, when the liberals and the media were screaming xenophobia and racist. He’s the guy that ran on securing the border in the face of a screaming press and media. When he shut down borders in the midst of the Coronavirus virus they were up in arms over such a draconian move. Then the rest of the world followed suit all over, including the European Union between member countries.

Has he made mistakes, yep. Everyone I know would have. All of these experts wouldn’t have done any better. Trump is working harder than I’ve ever seen a President work. He isn’t hiding in his office, he’s out front every day.

Take for instance, all the shortages of PPE’s (Personal Protection Equipment) and ventilators. I’m unaware of anything that prevented all of these governors from ordering all the PPE and ventilators for emergency purposes over the last two years. And yet, it is Trump’s fault that they didn’t.
He’s balanced his approach and listened to the experts, when his distractors said he wouldn’t and couldn’t. When he offers hope, he’s lying and when he’s straight forward, he should be hopeful. It’s a no win, but he is not deterred by all of that BS coming from the press and the liberals.

I’ll take this kind of leadership over a nice guy that can make eloquent speeches.



  1. Pat

    A great description of the President and so true. I have seen so many comments by people that when having a conversation with the President he is very personable, a good listener and kind.

  2. Madonna Potter

    I got this letter earlier this week. Who ever wrote it did a wonderful job and sure called everything correctly. What a shame that our President, who works day and night, has to wake up to these idiots on mainstream media and here how bad they say he is, when I think that 63,000 American died of H1N1 before Obama ever took any action it makes me ill. The action he took was too little too late! Trump has been on top of this since January and I believe he has done an outstanding job! I have personally written him several letters to let him know that there are millions of us who support him and hope that he can get through this without contracting the virus! I a+tually am surprised that Pelosi and her gang haven’t tried to send the virus to him in some form! I have had it with all the “Commies” in the Democratic party. They tear down everything that is built up and thriving and then tell us we are not exceptional and that the good days are behind us. Then Trump comes in and sets our country on fire, thriving in everything that we were told would never return to this country. He has done an exceptional job in three years! Not one President in my lifetime has ever made such a tremendous turn around, President Reagan did quite a bit but Trump has done an amazing with our economy until this disaster! If he hadn’t taken the steps to close off our borders and stop travel from China when he did our death toll would have been off the charts. He saves lives!

  3. patriot1971

    Madonna, You are absolutely correct. This President has established himself as a “doer” and not just a person whose lips flap in the wind like most politicians and make empty promises.

  4. Duane Smith

    While most comments praise President Trump for the job he is now and has been doing since elected, I note that not one uttered any criticism about the Republican (House and Senate) making any significant effort to defend him. Oh sure, there’s an occasional comment in a impromptu hallway press meeting, but what I’m talking about is the lack of any emotional or demonstrative outcry against Pelosi or her minion Schumer. Mundane Mitch McConnell simply once in a while reads a pre-prepared speech by some staffer, in monotonous drone, absent any recognizable emphasis except for an occasional pause after which he repeats a just uttered phrase. That’s it! So, my fellow Republican politicians, get out from behind your desk, where you simply sit and collect a nice paycheck, working part time during the year and give our President the support he deserves. Stated another way: get off your ass!

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