How The Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

Have you wondered what in the hell has happened to our country and why? Whether you call it, Progressivism, Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, or Marxism, the continuous creeping of the Left is all part of the same. I have believed this for a long time. Of course, one person believing in something does not make it always accurate.

Then I stumbled onto a 2020 documentary that I decided to watch because I am sick and tired of the news and its inconsistency in reporting. I was just trying to pass some time and thought, “Why not.” I turned it on and watched as the story unfolded. It became clear that the narrator was linking all the missing elements together and explaining why the United States of America is in its present state of confused rebellion. The film is a brilliant history of our country’s decline and clearly states how, why, and what evil drives what is happening now. I have not looked at a film that has this much clarity.

I strongly encourage each of you to watch this film, found on Amazon Prime, called “How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling the World.” The film is 83 minutes long. Listen carefully to the rhetorical words used by those that want to change the United States and the rest of the world. Their names will sound all too familiar. The ideas will sound exactly like what we hear today from the media, and why such beliefs are flourishing with the young, how our corrupted education system functions. Once you finish watching it, think of how the Left’s words are used against opponents, the same terms displayed in this film. If you want to know how and why our country is in such deep trouble, watch and understand this film. President Trump is not mentioned once, but clearly, you can see what he has been up against.


  1. Charlotte

    Thank you for recommending this. It should be required viewing for all Biden supporters and people who think socialism and communism is a good thing.

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