Passport Control

I am sure when you have traveled and entered another country, or for that matter upon return to the United States, you had to pass through Passport Control. The customs officials check your passport to see who you are. If you represent a threat to the country, you are entering or re-entering. In some countries, what religion you are like, the Islamic States of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, or Turkey. Some countries check your vaccination record to make sure you are inoculated against common disease issues in that part of the world like Yellow Fever, Plague, Rabies, etc. Some passports are the standard type like every citizen has; some are official, reflecting your work for the Government in some capacity. A few are diplomatic, allowing countries to pass you through without much if any investigative effort.

However, the passport being publicized recently by U.S. Corporations, not the CDC or NIH, but corporate America or should I say, “cooperate America” is a “Vaccination Passport.” What exactly does this mean?

Think of this special passport as a window into your life. It starts simply enough. Have been “vaccinated” against the COVID-19 virus is the premise of the passport? The passport will contain your name and all your identifying information such as date of birth, sex, telephone number, address, place of birth, date of injection, type of shot administered last COVID-19 test, and results. Simple enough. But wait, there is more.

The passport will be used to control your movements. Air travel, access to stores where you can shop for groceries to feed your family. Your use of medical centers for treatment, dental treatment, and use of a gasoline station and interstate travel. A host of other services that only a corporation can think of to direct you to use your money for their services.

The keyword is “control,” and it has a very totalitarian connotation. But it is not the Government doing this, so it must be OK. Is it? How about if the Government does not interfere with this scheme. Their silence allows the corporations to proceed if they share the information they obtain from your passport with the Government. Right now, you may be thinking this sounds like “Big Tech” and their social platforms like Google, Facebook, or Twitter. Once again, “control” is the operative word.

The Government has already set the standard. I bet you are wearing a face mask every time you go out into public space, and if you are brainwashed, you are walking around your house or driving your car alone wearing a face mask. Even biden, in a photo op at Arlington Cemetery, was wearing a face mask. No one even near him except the dead; in the open air, he approached a wreath rendering a hand salute and walked along with the gravestones, occasionally stopping, reading what the engraving showed—no reason for him to wear a face mask other than as a prop to the public. The younger generation is alleged even to wear masks during sex, and it would not surprise me. Indoctrination is highly effective if you allow it.

How can you tell a “vaccination passport” is coming? Several platforms like Microsoft are reported as already working. Apple is comparing their “Apple Pay” to an electronic passport, and if what I read earlier is correct, they are or may incorporate it into your “Apple Pay” so you can only purchase if you are safe.

Has anyone had the experience of friends and family telling you not to come to their homes if you do not have the “vaccination?” People are unreasonably scared of the virus. The media has conditioned the public by repeating ad nauseum the inflated death tolls and infected persons throughout the United States and the world for over a year. Some States now acknowledging their death tolls were inflated as they lumped them in with patients already so ill; they were dying anyway and just happened to catch COVID before they passed away from diseases not related to the virus. It is all about the money. Medical facilities were paid thousands of dollars on each COVID-related death by the Government. So, there were lots of inflated numbers.

Back to my point, family and friends are scared. I know several friends whose families tell them not to show up at the house to visit grandkids because they have not got the shot. Stay away is the phrase used. Fear grips the uneducated. Even if you get the shot, it will not stop a person from contracting COVID. No one appears to think that if you get COVID, your survival ratio is between 91- 98% depending on your health, your age, and medical issues. Good friends of mine, both age 75, with underlying medical problems, and one on chemo contracted the virus after a flight. It showed up about four days later after getting off the airplane. They had a mild-moderate case of COVID, recovered without hospitalization, and are just as healthy as before they caught it. That is one small example of reality.

What does a “Vaccination Passport” really do? It polarizes the public into groups of people that are considered safe and unsafe. If you are deemed unsafe, that means you are diseased. You are stigmatized unfairly. If you are considered safe, you are working under a false sense of being protected since the COVID shots do not protect you from getting COVID. Just like the mask does not provide absolute protection from getting COVID. It seems to me that is why CDC keeps putting information out about wearing a mask, or two masks or three. Dr. Anthony Fauci appears to have a world view that the entire planet is a petri dish, and we will be wearing masks until our sun implodes into a red dwarf.

This concept is much like how the Democrat Party wants us to believe we are not Americans. We are grouped into categories as African American, Japanese American, Chinese American, Mexican American, or if you are European American, you are automatically a racist and part of white supremacy. All of it designed to polarize the country into groups instead of bringing us together. The passport concept does the same thing. Divide and control the population through corporate intervention. Control food and services using a passport. Separate people, collect information on them, run this country in an Orwellian fashion allowing the few to make decisions for the many. Ever see the movie 1984, the movie the epitome of Orwellian, named after the author of that book. Ever see the film Roller Ball, the future society controlled by corporations. Another movie, Robocop, corporation-controlled society. It may be Hollywood, but it is arriving at our doorstep shortly.

All of this is a Marxist utopia. It is all interconnected. Have you wondered why things are moving so fast lately in the direction I described? Could this be the signs of the end times predicted in Revelation of the Holy Bible? Think about it. Watch it as it comes together.


  1. Susan Hall

    I watched a video by Naomi Wolf, a Democrat and CEO of Daily Cloud, who is sharing a warning regarding Vaccine Passports. She is confirming the same concerns as Henry did in this recent blog.

  2. Stephen

    I’m sad to say, this is the reality we now live in. I believe the information gleaned from the cnn operative video gives some inside look at this. Propaganda if promoted long enough will become a fact. No matter how crazy it sounds the first time. He admitted fear was the best means to get rating at cnn. More deaths because of Covid. On Waters World he put up all the major companies that donated in our last election, 97% went to Democrats. You don’t think these companies have power? “ come on man”. We are certainly in a critical time. We won’t be happy in the next two years but we better be prepared for 2022 elections and win back the house and senate. This must be accomplished!! If not I fear for all of us under this administration.


    I read your thoughtful words and can already say…I knew it. From your previous writings, and what I have listened to on FOX News, and other news agencies (that are not mainstream, and never will be as long as control people are in charge), the vast population, who is middle class, raising families, paying bills paycheck to paycheck (like I did when starting out), these groups do not have the time to dig deeper. It is scary how they will vote. When things are said, over and over again it becomes true. At Best Buy today I said, “how long do we have to wear masks, they do not work:”. He shrugged as if clueless. Scary times. Used to be where one could trust “60 Minutes.” No more.

  4. Jerry

    Good blog and very timely… Keep using your God-given talent of writing and challenging your readers… We all know this ‘control’ was coming and part of the crazy world we live in… When I left the Navy in 1974, I decided that no one could really tell me I had to take a Flu Shot which was mandatory at the time. I was on a ship and 75% of the ship would get sick from the Flu Vaccine. I have not had a Flu Shot in 47 years and only suffered with the flu twice since that time period. So, I plan to take my chances and let my natural immune system protect my body. Since I am a Believer Christian and don’t worry about trivial stuff like this, anyone can guess that I plan on not taking a vaccine for something that really isn’t tested and fool proof. Life goes on… What’s the worst that can happen is I get to go to Heaven earlier…

    I am a true believer in Bible Prophecy and have to smile at the rapid progression of changes in the last two years. And I claim James 1:2 to count it a joy for trials — “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds”… These rapid changes are truly the fulfillment of Prophecy. The current Washington administration is foolishly making the U.S. non-relevant in the world order and helping to facilitate Prophecy. Only sad thing is they really think they are doing good but are so foolish in all their policies… Smile again… Yeah — we know who Wins! Read Daniel and Revelation… jp

    • patriot1971

      Jerry, you hit the nail on the head as you usually do. Handle your fear in stride. The people that are panicking over this COVID and getting the shot are not listening and taking into account the effects of an untested concoction and just following along like sheep. I am not against a true vaccination, but this one just can not be trusted at this time. It is still going through the human trials stage. Let’s see what happens in twelve to eighteen months after the shot has done its work on the immune system. People are being foolish if they believe they need to take the shot after having COVID. Preliminary findings are this may cause serious reactions including blood clots and now the Government is saying you will need a booster, a third shot, because the shot does not protect you. This is not the way to run a “railroad,” using the general population as lab rats.

  5. Ron

    It will be interesting to see this evolve. We do not know how many folks will accept vaccinations after all is said and done. By requiring folks to be vaccinated before they can do business with your company could eliminate a relatively large percentage of the population, thereby hugely affecting profitability and sustainability. Competition could force companies to advertise that “everyone is welcome”, increasing their market share over restrictive firms.

    I have heard that counterfeit vaccine docs are now available for those not vaccinated. Likely this will increase and possibly become more refined. Future evolution of this might result in microchips being injected into the body containing personal data, which will then be counterfeited. Microchips will allow a much higher degree of control over the individual, likely resulting in more folks rejecting the microchip insertion, again affecting profitability and sustainability of restrictive companies.

    And many of these unvaccinated folks will be stockholders unhappy about the company only selling to vaccinated folks. Yes, the evolution of this “passport” will be interesting to watch.

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