The New Masters at the Helm

“There are men running governments who shouldn’t be allowed to play with matches. “
Will Rogers

We are now ten days into a new administration, and to everyone’s worst fears, it is coming true. We have a man, biden, going at record speed signing Executive Orders on everything and anything that former President Trump has fingerprints on to satisfy his base, the far-left socialist.

biden does not run the new administration. He is nothing more than a frail old man being guided through the many steps of exuding a power that does not exist with him. When a person in his position must read from three by five cue cards, just to place his signature on an Executive Order, this not bode well for the country. The image is shocking. You can hear prompts from outside of the television screen to read the cards. And so, he does. Signs the documents and walks off-screen, not answering questions. He is a puppet in the same vein as Pinocchio.

The Executive Order to fund foreign abortions is not an Executive Order; it is an Execution Order to kill defenseless babies in the womb. He claims to follow the science on everything, and science and medical disciplines show conception begins almost immediately, within several hours, after intercourse. He ignores this piece of evidence, once again to satisfy the far left.

During the campaign, biden claims he wants to unite the country, build back America, and in the first days, he signs E.O.’s that cut some 70,000 jobs associated with the Keystone Pipeline. In a brief statement, biden claims he will cap one million oil wells while training people that he just forced out of work to learn new skills in the clean energy business. His Build Back America theme is plagiarism he stole from President Trump’s motto, Make America Great Again. Biden manages to piss off our allies, the Canadians, and forcing them to sell oil to our adversaries, the Chinese, in one signature.

The new energy czar, and chief offender of green energy, former Secretary of State John Kerry, made a public announcement supporting biden. The laid-off workers can now make solar panels. How incredibly arrogant as he flies in his private jet polluting the skies, he claims he wants to clean up.

The State of New Mexico has buyer’s remorse. They are taking it in the shorts by biden’s move on fossil fuels and screaming the State economy will be crushed. How about that sports fans? You get what you vote for in an election.

The next big item is an attack on the Second Amendment. The proposed new legislature has to do with the National Firearms Act of 1934, which primarily bars citizens from owning fully automatic firearms. The military is the only one to possess fully automatic weapons. Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords’ Gifford’s Law Center that calls for “assault weapons” to be regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) is demanding a tax on all AR-15’s of $200, limiting magazine capacity, and a fifty percent tax on all ammunition. Additionally, all owners of “Assault Weapons” have to be fingerprinted, photographed, and registered. The obvious question in the room is, what is an assault weapon? The Left says any gun that looks like an AR-15 is an assault weapon because of ammunition capacity in a magazine, and it can be fired semi-automatically. Anyone that knows anything about guns will call bullshit on this explanation. That description fits all semi-automatic handguns and rifles, and those would be next on the chopping block of gun restrictions. The new administration bought this entirely and made moves right now by introducing a bill in the House of Representatives restricting ownership.

As a U.S. Army Criminal Investigations Division (CID) agent, I recall a conversation I had while stationed in Germany in the mid-1970s with my British Army counterpart, Special Investigations Branch (SIB), about gun restrictions in Great Britain. He told me, once all the weapons were confiscated in Great Britain, except shotguns for sport hunting, the number of deaths increased by knife and bludgeoned offensives in murder and assault. The problem is not the type of weapon used; it is the type of people that decide to commit the crime. What next, if a person uses a hammer to kill someone or a butcher knife, will they be labeled as “Assault Hammers or Assault Knives?” The far-left zealots want this restriction so they can control the population, nothing more. In an interview, CNN reporter Anderson Cooper asked the obvious question, “So, the gun owners out there who say, well, a biden administration means they’re going to come for your guns?” biden responded, “Bingo. You’re right if you have an assault weapon.’ The fact of the matter is they should be illegal, period.”

These first ten days are a harbinger of what is coming. No one should be surprised. I would like to hope that the Durham investigation bears real fruit, but the prospects seem dim at this point. The new administration speaks out of both sides of their mouth, claiming to want unity and not division. They ignore that 74 million Americans disagree with the new administration and have taken no steps to extend a hand of unity for the good of the country, only division through their acts and words. They simply do not care as long as they get their way.


  1. Stephen

    I agree. He’s a coward. He can’t answer questions, can’t think for himself. It’s very scary he’s “ running” this country.

  2. Bobbie Hagar

    “biden” is not in charge. Susan Rice taking orders from Obama is in charge. I cannot believe, WE THE PEOPLE, have no recourse in this FARCE of an election!
    What they are setting up are smokescreens to distract people from their real intent.

    I express my boldness on Facebook. It is amazing at how many friends will message me that they agree BUT can’t boldly agree with me on Facebook due to family and friends who are liberals and they don’t want family squabbles. Others say it is because of fear of losing their job! That we sure know is a reality these days!
    Keep it up Henry, I will be copying part of your statement for my Facebook thoughts!

    • patriot1971

      This is what suppression of free speech looks like. The more that we give in and run and hide the more they will insist on trying to force us to be quite. I refuse to be still in manner and speech. I am a free thinker and want more Americans to be free thinkers. Being scared in not an option I am willing to entertain.


    I am sure people will miss Trump. People did not vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. However, the election was not honest. The left does not realize you can have all the guns laws you want. Criminals will still do what they do. When there is a sign in a store door, that reads “NO GUNS ALLOWED”, I am sure the criminal will leave his gun outside, NOT! Concealed Carry holders have been thoroughly vetted by more than one law enforcement agency. We are not as free as we were 40 ago.

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