Racism in Politics and Other Places

As I was preparing to write this post, I received an email depicting what the sender found to be a joke. I found no humor in it as my first impression was it was anti-Semitic. The alleged joke was about a Jewish taxi driver and a naked woman. Without explaining the presentation further, the email presented the common anti-Semitic belief that all Jews care about is money. This concept and propagation of this belief were used effectively in the 1930’s Nazi Germany to marginalize the German Jewish population that leads to the concentration camps uncovered during WWII. I have no idea what is in the sender’s heart or why they felt this was humor. It is not. It is a subtle way to reinforce harmful stereotypes, much like white people wearing “blackface” and acting like idiots to marginalize black citizens.

The other day, ex-Vice President Biden made a remark that is plastered all over the media and internet. He stated, “You ain’t black” unless you vote for Biden. Using the Democratic guidelines about racism that the Democrats so freely label any Republican with, Biden made a racist remark from his heart. He believes it. There are multiple clips on the internet these days that show Biden making racially charged comments repeatedly in public. By any standard, Democratic, Republican, or plain common sense, Biden is a racist.

I have listened intently to remarks by President Trump to see how he measures up to be a racist or anti-Semitic. I find none, not one comment construed as racist or anti-Semitic. If I honestly believed the media when they say that about him, and they had demonstrable proof, I would drop my support from him in less than a heartbeat.
I feel strongly about this if you have not figured it out by now, because I grew up in a house that was racist and anti-Semitic. Try as my mother tried; she could not get me to believe in her values and, in the end, hated me for it. She was a former Nazi and was part of the Hitler Youth during WWII in Berlin, Germany. She was also a Democrat and told me as I grew up that the Democrat Party looked after the white people in America. She said to me her proudest moment was shaking hands with Adolf Hitler. I have seen this type of hatred firsthand, and I soundly reject it.

The Democratic ideas of “Identity Politics” are a useful club to beat people that do not believe in their values. Calling a person a racist is a tactic. Why? Because once a person is labeled a racist, everyone is reactionary by recoiling from that word. Therefore, the Left tries to label everyone on the Right as racist. They know it is not valid, but it is a useful tactic. The Democratic Party represents the real racists in this country. Historically, when reasonable and intelligent people review the official record, they will see a track record of the Democratic Party fighting against equality for all Americans. They have opposed civil rights from the end of the Civil War until they realized they could not openly defend their position without alienating the entire black population of America.

They switched tactics, and in the late 1930s and 1940’s they subtly made changes to their platform, and eventually, the Republicans found themselves on the end of charges of racism. This big swing was not done to benefit black Americans; it was done to help the Democratic Party by convincing black Americans they had jobs for them, and the Republicans did not. It worked because black America fell into the trap of offers of promises of employment, even if those jobs and support for those jobs disappeared after an election cycle. Brainwashed, nonetheless, to vote for the Democratic candidate.
The swing back to the Republican Party by blacks is beginning to take hold. The Republican Party allows anyone to be a free thinker. The Democratic Party abhors the idea that black Americans, as all of us, should be free thinkers that will enable them to choose. Therefore, people like Biden are upset at how black Americans are starting to vote. This is why he made such a racially charged statement. Biden is a racist representing the values of the Democratic Party.

One day, I pray, no matter who you are, if you are a white, black, red, yellow, or brown-skinned person, no matter your religious or ethnic background, we all can come together and say we are but one thing, an American, nothing more.


  1. Charlotte

    Henry, your mother clearly had an evil side, but I for one am thankful she gave birth to you, a great American who encourages people like me to keep believing in our country, our people and most of all our wonderful Savior!

    • patriot1971

      Char, You are correct, my mother was a real piece of work. I am just glad I had God in my life and he steered me in a different direction, away from her insanity. Thank you.

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