Breaking Out of the Bubble

Both liberal and conservatives live in a bubble, some more than others. The bubble is a sounding chamber where people want to associate with only others that share their ideas, thoughts, and speech. The apparent reason is they want reinforcement of their belief system, or they fear confrontation when someone pushes back against what they believe. To be fair, I think that the percentages of people living within their self-imposed bubble are in the 30-40% range of both groups. The rate is arbitrary and strictly a guess on my part.

Recently I talked to some of my friends who have publicly declared themselves “Independents.” I asked for their definition of what that means, and interestingly they almost had the same meaning regardless of being inclined toward left-leaning and right-leaning candidates. Both sides stated clearly, “I vote for the best candidate regardless of party.” But, when I pressed further, they almost exclusively voted for candidates that are, in fact, Republican or Democrat, depending on the voter’s past association of whom they voted. They would throw in a vote for a Republican or Democrat in lesser positions opposite of what mostly their ticket reflected in the voting. The decision cast was to maintain the claim of “Independent.”

My conclusion, even though non-scientific, is claiming to be an Independent is a cover for who they will vote for so they can maintain relationships without confrontation with people they care about or want for friends. I believe a true Independent would have a voting record of almost 50% one way and 50% the other way, based on the candidate’s qualifications. Some friends even claimed they voted for President Reagan back in the 1980s, and that was the last Republican they ever voted for in an election just to keep their Independent status or claim. I could make such a claim myself when I say the previous Democrat I voted for was President Carter, and now I vote entirely Republican. I guess I could hide behind the Independent label also, but I do not.

Breaking out of the bubble is simple. Declare what you are, a Liberal Democrat or a Conservative Republican. This breaking down your belief system within the political environment is a silly game of being PC in degrees. At one time, there was a melding of Democratic beliefs and Republican beliefs that a rational person could think over, negotiate issues, and come to a reasonable agreement. Not any longer. The lines between political views are dramatic and diametrically opposite. Our founding principles are on a system of voting for people to make decisions for us in a United States Congress. There was a time we trusted our elected representatives to make the tough decisions as our true representative in our best interest. Along the way, that trust has evaporated into fairy dust, and politicians have become career elitists telling us what to do and how to do it, instead of us telling them what we want and how we want it. Springing from this cesspool of politicians, the “Politically Correct (PC) culture was born. I believe the PC culture has been instrumental in dumbing down your thoughts. Giving people reason to hide behind being an “Independent.”

In our current climate of “hate” in America, made up systemic racism, and a general dislike for your neighbor because they dare engage in having different thoughts, it is time to stop and become one America. Unite behind what you believe. Give the other side a fair hearing. The other party may just present an idea that works. Take off your blinders and break out of your bubble. We Americans have a familiar foe. All you must do is open your eyes and look. Take your hands off your ears and listen.

Look at yourself as an American. Not African American, not Japanese American, not European American, Not Mexican American, or any other combination of terms the PC culture demands. If you are a United States citizen, born here or naturalized through a process of this country’s laws, you are an American. That is what the melting pot is all about. When you allow the PC culture to influence your thinking and tell you how and what to think, people are being Pigeon holed into a specific group to marginalize them and stopping us from being united as Americans. It prevents your free thought and speech. It makes you feel disassociated from being an American. This tactic is being used successfully today by groups we all know as BLM and ANTIFA, both Marxist as well as socialist ideology. They are trying to break down the fabric of American society.

It does not matter what color you are, or ethnic background, if you are here legally and have met the criteria and are a US Citizen, you are an American. Break out of your bubble, choose a side, and stop being an “Independent” fence sitter. Get out and vote this November.


  1. Russell Joseph Sudder

    I have always been American First, Conservative always, and a Christian. There is nothing more than that. If the time comes I will dust off my combat gear, lock and load my weapons and march with my fellow Americans to protect our country against the enemies of freedom.
    I have no fear of death, and if I have to give it up for my country I will do so.
    I have from time to time asked the Demorats and liberals, what have you done for your country ?? Remembering the words of President Kennedy, “Asked not what your country can do for you but what can you do for your county?”

  2. Jerry

    Well said… I always deal in a Techie Theoretical vs. Actual World… In theory being an Independent is noble. In reality, if you vote for any Democrat, you are voting for Pelosi/Schumer driven mindset. Pretty much a wasted vote for a conservative viewpoint… there will never be a 3rd party to choose from. Your vote goes for either right minded principles or the far left…

  3. Duane Smith

    The term ” liberal Democrat” or “conservative Republican” is essentially no longer valid. Not so much as the conservative Republican is generally acceptable. However, a Liberal in the truer sense of the word is someone who believes that there should be more personal responsibility and less government intervention; i.e. control over our lives. What to do; when to do it; how to do it; etc.

    For a couple of decades now, the plutocrats (see Soros; Bloomberg; Bezos; etc.) have envisioned a global world wherein they control everything. Obama was greatly instrumental in moving toward this goal. The average Democrats were duped into believing that they would be the “controllers”. Democrat candidates were heavily funded by the Plutocrats as a grass roots plan, and eager to achieve their own personal success. Unions were also happy to participate, like the teachers union who have successfully turned our schools into institutions of indoctrination. By engaging in wholesale division of different races (see hyphenated descriptors; African-American, and so forth). Also has been the concerted effort to control the media, which are now nothing but propaganda-mongers, dispensing the party line, and excoriating any conservative.

    Seizing the opportunity of the George Floyd incident, which only now is being more truthfully presented, albeit limited in scope, we now have evolved into ever increasing anarchy. Police are vilified, and unable to control the Antifa/BLM terrorists by direction of mayors and governors who seek to defund them.

    One only has to consider the Michael Flynn case; the arrest and prosecution of the couple in Missouri, defending their home against the unruly crowd of demonstrators; the totally corrupt upper echelon of the FBI, and our so-called “intelligence units” to understand that our Judicial System is totally corrupt and completely defunct. I have many personal experiences to validate my contention, but space precludes more examples.

    As for independent voting; we have term limits. They are called elections. Whether Democrat or Republican (who too often hide under their desk) consider un-electing most of the current crop of politicians. Trump is hated because he is NOT a politician, but a businessman who is attempting to correct all the ills brought forth in the past two decades. Choose wisely when you vote!

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