
Hate is a common and complex emotion in the year 2020, but why is it so prevalent on one side of the political spectrum? With that stated, everyone has already taken up their side and pointed fingers at the other side. That is what we have come to just before the election of November 3, 2020.

“Behavioral researcher Patrick Wanis cites the in-group out-group theory, which posits that when we feel threatened by perceived outsiders, we instinctively turn toward our in-group—those with whom we identify—as a survival mechanism. Wanis explains, “Hatred is driven by two key emotions of love and aggression: One love for the in-group—the group that is favored; and two, aggression for the out-group—the group that has been deemed as being different, dangerous, and a threat to the in-group.”

The things people hate about others are the things that they fear within themselves. This phenomenon known as projection is coined by Freud to describe our tendency to reject what we don’t like about ourselves. Projection is a method of survival. Assigning something terrible to another person with the idea of making that person unlikable and morally reprehensible creates repression of things we do not like about ourselves. Repression leads to mental health issues. Which political party does this description fit?

Hence, the term Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) was coined by an unknown person in their attempt to define the Left’s reaction to President Trump’s election and method of his administration. This illustration is projection, and subsequently, repression.

I have relatives and friends totally against my choices of who I vote for and support. The odd thing I am finding is I am not emotional about why they may decide to support Biden. Still, they are incredibly emotional, vile, and disgusting in their commentary about my decision to support Trump. Their comments are directed personally at me, Trump, and anyone I associate with that believes what I believe concerning the support of Trump’s re-election. I choose not to engage them in Biden’s emotionally laced rhetoric because I do not consider Biden a threat. How can a frail man suffering dementia be a severe threat? He cannot. At best, he will be incompetent. However, his choice of Vice President can easily be put into the category of a threat.

Biden’s associates are representing the extreme Left of the Democratic Party. I dare say; the Democratic Party does not exist today; it is a shell of what it used to be. What has taken over is a Marxist ideology that wants to change the United States’ Government substantially. Some of my friends, or should I say former friends, hide behind the label of being Independent voters and supporting the radical left causes. They fear exposure, hence the tag of being an Independent, afraid of choosing a political side. This description can also apply to “Independent” Trump supporters. The internal rot within our government system started some time ago. Socialist type of governance manifested itself with President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, and it became more evident with his public support of the KKK. The KKK started by a General from the civil war, an ardent Democrat.

The History Channel website describes the KKK, this way, “Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for Black Americans. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and Black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, African Americans, and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of Black schools and churches and violence against Black and white activists in the South.”

“A group including many former Confederate veterans founded the first branch of the Ku Klux Klan as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865. The first two words of the organization’s name supposedly derived from the Greek word “kyklos,” meaning circle. In the summer of 1867, local branches of the Klan met in a general organizing convention and established what they called an “Invisible Empire of the South.” Leading Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest was chosen as the first leader, or “grand wizard,” of the Klan; he presided over a hierarchy of grand dragons, grand titans, and grand cyclopses.”

Today, the KKK still exists in exceedingly small numbers, and colloquial are called “white supremacists,” along with groups that identify as the socialist Left Nazis. The Left of the Democratic Party has successfully convinced the public that these groups manifest the Republican Party or the Right and spring from a conservative ideology. Nothing of the kind happened. However, the Left had relentlessly pushed this idea since the 1930s and 1940s persuading black Americans they needed the Democrats’ protection to avoid persecution when the Democrats persecuted black Americans. What was happening was the Democrats needed the black vote to maintain power in Congress. The opening of jobs to black American fomented the moment during the end of the Great Depression. Repeated often enough, the Conservatives became the boogeyman and a threat to black Americans.

The trend changed. Black Americans are waking up to having the “wool” pulled over their eyes for so many years. The most blatant demonstration of that is the voting cycle. Encourage black Americans to vote for the Democratic ticket and then push them aside and never fulfill any promises to better their lives. That is pure hate on display.

The Left will counter such arguments with President Johnson passed and signed the 1964 Civil Rights bill. That bill was “forced” through the Republicans’ Congress, and the Democrats resisted it until they could not. President Johnson was a known racist and could not veto the bill. Without going through all the different civil rights bills and legislature throughout the years, Democrats fought each one to stop them from being passed.

As the Democratic Party is losing his primary hold on black Americans, they have turned to a Marxist ideology to push through their legislature by supporting BLM and ANTIFA. They refuse to denounce these groups and the violence they have created this year. As a matter of course, the Left has routinely blamed “white supremacists” for all the violence, burning, looting, and outright murder. Any group that protests ANTIFA or BLM is automatically identified as “white supremacists,” and nothing could be further from the truth in most such groups. I am not naïve, and there have been instances of so-called “white supremacist” groups encountering these Marxist groups. The Left capitalizes on these encounters and grossly exaggerates the encounters. In contrast, the ANTIFA and BLM groups have been clearly shown night after night on the rampage of destroying cities. Acts by these groups are hating.

The most common term from the Left is that everyone who does not think like they do is “Racist,” a vile term they use in intimidation. It’s been used so much, and they have managed to destroy the meaning and impact of the word. It is laughable when the Left describes President Trump as a racist to stop travel from Islamic countries because of concerns on the lack of vetting them and allowing terrorists into the United States. Islam or being a Muslim is not a race. No more than being a Christian is a race. The Left is a joke on this issue. But this does illustrate hate.

So, if you have not voted yet, and most have, think about what political party you are putting in charge of our country and how they will represent you. Think of voting for the “platform” for the party, versus a candidate’s personality, because in the end, that is what you are voting on and for to move our country forward or backward into the Socialist State of Hate.

If Biden wins and he enacts the Socialist agenda, I see taxes on everyone rising, 401k’s taking a massive hit, and loss in value as Wall Street stocks and bonds start to collapse in significant depression and jobs will be lost, and so will our country. I will talk and post after the re-election of President Trump.


  1. Ed Sullivan

    I have thought long and hard on this subject and this Old Soldier has these thoughts. HATRED..is a term I use sparingly if at all. There are certain groups I DESPISE enough that I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire…but HATE??? I believe I relegate that verb to a very select group of people who have earned it through their TREASONOUS actions. It is a very finite group of individuals who have betrayed this Nation and MY MORAL BEARING to the point of warranting the hatred I feel to them. I will not name any here, those who know me, know very well who I hold in this contemptuous realm.
    The individuals I identify as sociodumbrats (socialist dumbassed rat bastards) i.e., the far left, are so demented that their sanity is always questionable. I can NOT hold them in anywhere near the same contempt I have for the above individuals. Theses folks are SHEEPLE, they have NO MIND of their own and only follow what their celebrity or news person tells them to think. I never believed it but, they take “1984” as a road map or lesson plan and follow along with all the other sheeple.
    The Radical Far Left, like BLM and Antifa, are just TARGETS to me, they are meaningless in my world other than a threat to Peace and Prosperity, therefore need to be eradicated for the good of Society as a whole. As I opened this, I am just an Old Soldier, but I will use my skills to remove the irritating elements from my life!

  2. Alan Steiner

    There is hate, and there is anger. I suspect that I’m one of those being referred to by this post. I don’t hate but do have anger in much of what Trump stands for and his puppets, like McConnell. Trump has systematically undone many of the great accomplishments made during the pre-Trump era without any action to replace them. Whether it’s pulling from the Paris Accord, LGBTQ (which even the Pope now recognizes – ouch), Obamacare, others, Trumps has offered nothing. He says he has a better plan but yet never produces anything to show. And then there is his campaign slogan from four years ago “Make American Great Again.” I can only laugh. He’s had four years to do this, or even start, and failed.

    Finally, to Mr. Sullivan’s comment “The Radical Far Left, like BLM and Antifa, are just TARGETS to me, they are meaningless in my world other than a threat to Peace and Prosperity, therefore need to be eradicated for the good of Society as a whole.” This is the definition of hate. I’m pretty sure the far-right “TARGETS” such as the white supremacist groups (e.g. Proud Boys, Boogaloo, O9A, etc.) and the 55% increase in these hate organizations under Trump are completely acceptable. Also, these groups have carried out the majority of national terrorist plots (e.g. Gretchen Whitmer’s attempted kidnapping) and attacks. Whether far left, or far right, the extremists do not represent the values of our founding fathers nor the view of educated and thoughtful citizens, left or right. They all need to be eradicated to bring civility back to this country.

    • Henry

      Hate and anger are part and parcel of the same emotion. Anger is an outward manifestation of the hidden feeling of hatred in most, but not necessarily every case. Choosing to call people that support Trump puppets is the kind of emotional rhetoric that provokes and does not solve issues. Your comment concerning he had four years is indeed laughable. He is the President and not a dictator, and must work with a legislative body, the US Congress, to make things happen. Not everyone was or is on board with his plan. That is the nature of our established government. To complicate President Trump’s agenda, the second two years of his term, we have had a split Congress. One of which, the Democrat-controlled House has tried to frustrate every attempt of getting the people’s business done, including a BS attempt at impeachment. In fairness, this does need to be pointed out to balance your comments. We hope to regain the House and keep the Senate as well as re-elect the President. Then if he fails, your comments would be appropriate, but not until then.

      The so-called white supremacist groups, except for the Proud Boys I only learned about from the media in Portland, Oregon, I personally never heard of and until I research them withhold my comments. However, the Proud Boys are not a white supremacist group and never have been. They are a mixture of different racial groups that are concerned patriots. It is so typical of the mainstream media to label groups that stand against Marxist ANTIFA, and you are drinking the Kool-Aid by the gallon. The group that was identified in the kidnapping plot has been shown to be Left-wing radicals. You should have noticed the media stopped reporting on the group as soon as this came out, and there has been nothing but silence concerning this development. If they genuinely were Right-wing, the press would have a constant drumbeat of information every day.

  3. Ed Sullivan

    The folks plotting Whitmers’ abduction are ALL LEFT WING wackos, if there is anything called White Supremacy it is coming from the DEMOCRAT KKK, ANTIFA or white radical controlled BLM…NO WERE ELSE. There are as many minority folks in the Proud Boys as white folks and they are not burning down cities and murdering people. Get your head out of the sand and pay attention, not to the main stream media propaganda, but what is really going on.

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