The King of the Hill Phenomena

King of the hill is a kid’s game. I played it many times myself growing up in the early and mid-1950s. A brief description is necessary for those that do not understand the principles of the game. My friends and I gathered at our favorite hill, and one of us would ascend the hill, standing atop, ready to defend his position as the “king.” The game’s object was for the rest of us to attack the king and throw him from his perch. One of the game’s complications is while ascending, and you are also fighting with each other to prevent them from gaining the top of the hill. I used the word “fighting” as, in a sense, that is what took place. But it was more like shoving, pushing, and throwing people back down the hill as you made your way up. This game provided lots of strenuous physical activity; it made for healthy interaction for boys to hone their competitive edge for sports. The game taught lessons about sportsmanship and dominance.

Today, I am sure boys, girls, and parents would be horrified at such a game. That is why we see, for the most part, the so-called metro-sexual male and an unbelievable urge from young men to be submissive to just about everything. Of course, not all males are like this, and those that rise above it typically are found in sports like football, baseball, basketball, and all things involving contact sports, the most feared game in the world, dodge ball. They are also the ones that join the military. This explains simple male biology in a naturally competitive world. I will save getting into the extension of what I am saying concerning boys’ emotional and behavioral aspects.

This leads me to the real world of King of the Hill. Geopolitics have throughout history been countries and empires playing this realistic game of dominance. Even a video, “Forge of Empires,” urges this exact competition in the world. Today, the “King of the Hill” is the United States of America, and numerous nations are attacking to knock us off the top. Internally, there are multiple factions within our own country trying to knock the controlling political party off the proverbial hill. It is unrelenting, and it is played with extreme nastiness by all parties. Some parties are more adept at it. Depending on your political point of view, I suspect you would be inclined to say the “other guys” are worse.

There is also a book written on this idea without necessarily identifying the King of the Hill, but the concept is the same. The book by Howard K. Bloom is called The Lucifer Principal. I read this book back in 1995, and it was an impressive piece of work. Please make no mistake about it, and Bloom is a liberal but an exciting writer.

The history of civilization stretching back some four thousand years shows at least two hundred and thirty empires raised in human history. All of these empires/countries were at one time, and in some cases, several times “King of the Hill.” The United States is currently the 230th empire to rise. What makes an empire is an influence: economic and military influence and its direct impact on the world. We are there, but we are losing our position rapidly as our number one antagonist; the Chinese Communist Party spreads its economic and military might throughout the world. They are currently moving their Navy into ports surrounding America.

Most empires lasted an average of several hundred years, some going to six hundred to eight hundred. In the course of history, nine empires lasted over 1,000 years.

The Elamite Empire of Southwest Iran, 2,800 years (2500 BC to 300 BC), was the longest.

The Roman Empire/The Roman Holy Empire/The Roman Kingdom/The Roman Republic/The Western Roman Empire/The Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire lasted 2,206 years (753 BC to 1453 AD). Continuity of each phase and change of the original Roman Empire historically gives the number of years. If you remember, in school, we learned the Roman Empire was 500 years.

The Pandyan Dynasty in South India, 2,159 years (500 BC to 1759 AD).

The Chera Dynasty, South India, 2,129 years, (400 BC to 1729 AD).

The Chola Empire in South India, 1,940 years, (400 BC to 1540 AD).

The Kingdom of Kush in Northeast Africa, 1,421 years, (1070 BC to 350 BC).

The Byzantine Empire of Constantinople (Part of the Roman Empire, but an empire within itself), 1,176 years, (284 AD to 1460 AD).

The Assyria Empire of Mesopotamia, 1,119 years, (2025 BC to 609 BC).

Republic of Venice, Italy, 1,100 years, (697 AD to 1797 AD).

One empire lasted one year; the Empire of China in Beijing from 1915 AD to 1916 AD was a short-lived attempt at resurrecting the Imperial Monarchy. The Islamic Ottoman Empire lasted 623 years (1299 AD to 1922 AD). The Soviet Union lasted 69 years (1922 AD to 1991 AD). The United States is at 245 years (1775 AD to 2020 AD). The British Empire lasted 394 years (1603 AD to 1997 AD) when they gave Hong Kong back to the Chinese Communists, the British Empire was over. The current Chinese Communist is 75 years (1945 AD to 2020 AD). In the scheme of things, the United States is a babe in the woods, but we occupy the top of the hill, and everyone, like my childhood friends, is trying to knock us off the top.

The enemies of the United States are no different than each of these empires’ enemies. Internal deterioration of economy, taxes, wars, political ambitions, differing political issues, ideas, and beliefs. The struggle is internal and external, and the pressure is on to stop, change, and rebuild America to the Chinese Communist Party’s whims. Who now is going to stop them, Beijing Biden? I think not. His testicles fit in a teacup, slowly steeping for his Chinese masters.

The ancient empires were more direct in handling their differences. They used assassination, war, and a brutality we would not get away with during the modern era.

As the year 2020 quickly draws to a close in the next several hours, each of you has to ask yourself, what are you going to do to help preserve the Republic of the United States of America? I will, as when I was a young boy, deep in the game of King of the Hill, fight to stay on top and push down all that want to destroy our great country internally as well as externally.

Happy New Year one and all. I pray 2021 will be a better year, but reality speaks to me strongly and the winds of war breath constantly throughout the land. ~ Henry


  1. Paivikki Buchwalter

    Interesting, though disturbing, point of view. Wish I could say, I do not agree. But – I cannot. We are exactly where Henry has placed us in history. We are on the verge of loosing America. The fight is yet ongoing. There is yet hope. And perhaps God will part the Red Sea and America will retain her position until the next time it gets challenged. And that it will.

  2. Charlotte

    Thank you for all the time and energy that went into this blog. Very interesting reading but troublesome as we must face the reality of losing our beloved America to the forces of evil. However, for believers in Jesus, we know to lift up our heads for redemption draweth nigh!

  3. Alan

    I too used to play King of the Hill. It was really fun as a kid but certainly, at that time, didn’t realize the importance of it in real life. A very good writing Henry. Thank you for bringing this to the forefront.

    That said, I too will fight for our Republic and the sole of this great country. We have made a start with President-elect Biden removing the narcissistic Trump with all of his dangerous conspiracy theories, lies, dividing the people of this country and worst of all, nearly causing an anarchy with his baseless claims of voter fraud. Unable to hold a second term puts Trump in a select class of a few where the American people knew what was best for the country. Now, Cruz and other Republicans will challenge the people’s voice and democracy come January 6th. Despicable. The sooner we get to 1/20/2021, the better off this country will be.

    I have every confidence the President-elect Biden will help the country heal with a unified and Federal response to the coronavirus and once again be a part of the WHO. The stock market will be just fine despite Trump saying it will crash if Biden is elected, which it didn’t. Also, we will rejoin the effort to help figure out a global plan around how to deal with climate change and its effects on human life, if we are to survive as a species vs. go the way of the dinosaurs. Conspiracy theories will disappear from the leadership which should reduce the chaos in America and hopefully eliminate groups like QAnon and networks like OANN. I also expect and am hopeful that white supremacists will see a tougher response in the future. So much to look forward to.

    Regarding China, we need to find a way to work with them, not against them. They are an economic superpower. Athena very devices you use to write these blogs and watch the news are from there. Tariffs have done nothing. All of the raw earth materials come from China and as you saw, we are dependent on the for critical items such as PPE (which Trump was warned about but ignored.) I feel we need to be more self sufficient for sure but China will always be a critical part of the global economic picture. We have to find a balance. Also, I’ll skip Russia since they have no value to us at all or the world economy or anything else for that matter. Russia is a disruption to world peace, as with Trump’s friend Kim.

    There is so much to fight for and as you stated, fight to stay on top and push down that which will destroy our country. Happy new year. Warm regards. Alan

    • patriot1971

      I am glad you like the writing and the topic Alan. Intentionally missing the topic’s point is smart and devious, but practical from your point of view. I know it is standard fare for the Left to dive into personalities to find fodder for comments about a person they do like to extrapolate out what you may find is a character flaw and then exaggerate. The most common strategy is labeling. This tactic is the hallmark of how the Democratic Party works. So, I ignore it.

      Under a Biden administration, the point I was making is a decline in our economic power and open the door for our adversaries to exploit our country, just as your friends the Communist Chinese have been doing for years. In true Marxist fashion, the Left has started a list of Trump supporters and demanded re-education or some type of sanctions be placed on anyone supporting him. Your comments about eliminating OANN because they present the news instead of opinion like the mainstream manipulation of the information is telling. As part of the labeling process, the Left wrongfully identifies anyone who does not support their ideology as a “white supremacist,” another racist word. If you think your rights are secure, you are sadly mistaken. This labeling and manipulation of our free speech is a tactic for removing our ability to speak out unless you support the Left. This erosion has been on-going in various forms for a significant number of years. As an example, being “politically correct,” “shaming someone for their beliefs,” “labeling someone for their position or looks,” and manipulation of a stated opinion to characterize a point of view. These points are evident in your writing.

      As you well know, I have spent a significant number of years working as a federal criminal investigator. For some time, fourteen years, I worked exclusively as a fraud investigator for the federal government. I investigated the type of fraud at the highest levels of corporations involved in product substitution, cost mischarging, kickbacks, and counterfeiting of parts for military weapons. The concept surrounding fraud is simple. Fraud is theft through deception and trickery to gain something of value. I was amazed at the different schemes that were invented to steal money from this country’s taxpayers.

      When allegations of fraud started to be presented in this election and hearings held, I watched those hearings. I listened carefully to what was being offered and the reasons those allegations surfaced. Fraud is hard to prove, and unless you understand the concept of the fraud being perpetrated it is hard to understand what happened. The schemes were sophisticated, intricate, and sometimes just for good measure, in your face obvious. One of the hardest things in fraud is to explain how the fraudulent process happened. Demonstrating each step in a scheme takes time. After listening to the witnesses presenting their fraud claims, I have no doubts about the Democrat Party committing election fraud to push Biden into the White House. That is why I can never call him by the title of that office. He is a fake.

      We may quibble over China tariffs, PPE, the vaccine startup process, and why you do not like Russia. That is all fine and good for a debate. What I will not reduce to an ordinary discussion with anyone is losing our freedoms and any adversary internal or external that wants to change our country into a socialist or totalitarian State. That is what Biden brings to the table. Between his lack of leadership abilities, his Chinese masters, and those who support him and want the rest of the country to just roll over and accept this change, I will fight against such ideologies’ incursions by any means necessary to stop it. Your ideas are dangerous to our great country and short on facts.

    • Ron

      While Alan is articulate, addressing facts is not his strong suit. His is more of an emotional response, like faith. How does one intelligently discuss or challenge anyone’s faith? His is a belief based on “touchy-feely” sentiment and warm fuzzy mentality. Facts won’t sway him. Reality won’t move him. And what is reality, anyway? None of do our own research. It is all news driven, written by folks with an agenda. There is no objectivity in communication today. People don’t want objectivity. They want and will pay for someone to back their existing belief system. That is the only way CNN could stay in business. We are two distinct philosophies living in the same country, on the same land. Alan thinks Biden will reunite the country. Really? When 75 million think the election was fraudulent? Smoke another joint, Alan. Maybe two joints. Then Alan will feel the whole world will live happily ever after.

  4. Char

    I feel very sad for Alan. He has no clue we are heading into Socialism or Communism with Comrades Biden and Kamala at the helm, funded by Soros. There are none so blind as they who will not see. Tragic!

  5. Ed Sullivan

    Alan, you are so blinded by your ideological indoctrination that you couldn’t see crime if it even happened to you. You are a part of this population who believes anything espoused by the propaganda arm of the DNC, IE: the MSM. I really feel very sorry for your delusional way of thinking and your inability to sift the truth from the miasma of idiot speak perpetrated by MSM.

  6. Paivikki Buchwalter

    It is interesting how differently we see the present situation in this nation and her international interactions. It is either black or it is white. There is no grey.

    It seems we are getting our information from different sources, and we indeed are. We both think our sources are the ones distributing the true news.

    Looking at Biden and what he has done during his 47 years in public eye makes me disagree with Alan 100%. It is interesting this divide. I see Biden as a liar, a plagiarizer, a racist, and a person who lacks accomplishments. I see Biden as a weak person who can be (and is) manipulated. Alan sees him much differently.

    This divide is not peculiar just between Alan and myself, but the entire nation is divided in this fashion.

    Who is right? Both cannot be right. It is too polarized for that to be any possibility. The differences are not just minor opinions. No, the differences are major. It is America, or the end of America.

    How to decide who is right? I may not need to decide who is right. Perhaps I only need to determine who wants to change the constitution, limit my constitutional rights and freedoms, who sides with lawlessness, and who supports the Great Reset. To find the answers is not difficult.

    I have made my decision. And that is to follow the sources that support the constitution as written, support my constitutional freedoms and rights, support the law, and are against globalism.

    Happy 2021 for one and all! It may prove to be the most interesting year in our human history … in a good way, and in not so good way.

      • patriot1971

        Shared from the internet.

        Why I will not accept Joe Biden as president

        Unwillingness to accept election result grows out of a level of outrage unlike anything previously experienced

        By Newt Gingrich

        A smart friend of mine who is a moderate liberal asked why I was not recognizing Joe Biden’s victory.

        The friend made the case that Mr. Biden had gotten more votes, and historically we recognize the person with the most votes. Normally, we accept the outcome of elections just as we accept the outcomes of sporting events.

        So, my friend asked why was 2020 different?

        Having spent more than four years watching the left #Resist President Donald Trump and focus entirely on undoing and undermining the 2016 election, it took me several days to understand the depth of my own feelings.

        As I thought about it, I realized my anger and fear were not narrowly focused on votes. My unwillingness to relax and accept that the election grew out of a level of outrage and alienation unlike anything I had experienced in more than 60 years involvement in public affairs.

        The challenge is that I — and other conservatives — are not disagreeing with the left within a commonly understood world. We live in alternative worlds.

        The left’s world is mostly the established world of the forces who have been dominant for most of my life.

        My world is the populist rebellion which believes we are being destroyed, our liberties are being cancelled and our religions are under assault. (Note the new Human Rights Campaign to decertify any religious school which does not accept secular sexual values — and that many Democrat governors have kept casinos open while closing churches though the COVID-19 pandemic.) We also believe other Democrat-led COVID-19 policies have enriched the wealthy while crushing middle class small business owners (some 160,000 restaurants may close).

        In this context, let’s talk first about the recent past and the presidency.

        In 2016, I supported an outsider candidate, who was rough around the edges and in the Andrew Jackson school of controversial assaults on the old order. When my candidate won, it was blamed on the Russians. We now know (four years later) Hillary Clinton’s own team financed the total lie that fueled this attack.

        Members of the FBI twice engaged in criminal acts to help it along — once in avoiding prosecution of someone who had deleted 33,000 emails and had a subordinate use a hammer to physically destroy hard drives, and a second time by lying to FISA judges to destroy Gen. Michael Flynn and spy on then-candidate Donald Trump and his team. The national liberal media aided and abetted every step of the way. All this was purely an attempt to cripple the new president and lead to the appointment of a special counsel — who ultimately produced nothing.

        Now, people in my world are told it is time to stop resisting and cooperate with the new president. But we remember that the Democrats wanted to cooperate with Mr. Trump so much that they began talking about his impeachment before he even took office. The Washington Post ran a story on Democrat impeachment plots the day of the inauguration.
        In fact, nearly 70 Democratic lawmakers boycotted his inauguration. A massive left-wing demonstration was staged in Washington the day after, where Madonna announced she dreamed of blowing up the White House to widespread applause. These same forces want me to cooperate with their new president. I find myself adopting the Nancy Pelosi model of constant resistance. Nothing I have seen from Mr. Biden since the election offers me any hope that he will reach out to the more than 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump.

        So, I am not reacting to the votes so much as to the whole election environment.

        When Twitter and Facebook censored the oldest and fourth largest newspaper (founded by Alexander Hamilton) because it accurately reported news that could hurt Mr. Biden’s chances — where were The New York Times and The Washington Post?

        The truth of the Hunter Biden story is now becoming impossible to avoid or conceal. The family of the Democrat nominee for president received at least $5 million from an entity controlled by our greatest adversary. It was a blatant payoff, and most Americans who voted for Mr. Biden never heard of it — or were told before the election it was Russian disinformation. Once they did hear of it, 17% said they would have switched their votes, according to a poll by the Media Research Center. That’s the entire election. The censorship worked exactly as intended.

        Typically, newspapers and media outlets band together when press freedom is threatened by censorship. Where was the sanctimonious “democracy dies in darkness?” Tragically, The Washington Post is now part of the darkness.

        But this is just a start. When Twitter censors four of five Rush Limbaugh tweets in one day, I fear for the country.
        When these monolithic Internet giants censor the president of the United States, I fear for the country.

        When I see elite billionaires like Mark Zuckerburg are able to spend $400 million to hire city governments to maximize turnout in specifically Democratic districts — without any regard to election spending laws or good governance standards — I fear for the country.

        When I read that Apple has a firm rule of never irritating China — and I watch the NBA kowtow to Beijing, I fear for our country.

        When I watch story after story about election fraud being spiked — without even the appearance of journalistic due diligence or curiosity — I know something is sick.

        The election process itself was the final straw in creating the crisis of confidence which is accelerating and deepening for many millions of Americans.

        Aside from a constant stream of allegations of outright fraud, there are some specific outrages — any one of which was likely enough to swing the entire election.

        Officials in virtually every swing state broke their states’ own laws to send out millions of ballots or ballot applications to every registered voter. It was all clearly documented in the Texas lawsuit, which was declined by the U.S. Supreme Court based on Texas’ procedural standing — not the merits of the case. That’s the election.

        In addition, it’s clear that virtually every swing state essentially suspended normal requirements for verifying absentee ballots. Rejection rates were an order of magnitude lower than in a normal year. In Georgia, rejection rates dropped from 6.5% in 2016 to 0.2% in 2020. In Pennsylvania, it went from 1% in 2016 to .003% in 2020. Nevada fell from 1.6% to .75%. There is no plausible explanation other than that they were counting a huge number of ballots — disproportionately for Mr. Biden — that normally would not have passed muster. That’s the election.

        The entire elite liberal media lied about the timeline of the COVID-19 vaccine. They blamed President Trump for the global pandemic even as he did literally everything top scientists instructed. In multiple debates, the moderators outright stated that he was lying about the U.S. having a vaccine before the end of the year (note Vice President Mike Pence received it this week). If Americans had known the pandemic was almost over, that too was likely the difference in the election.

        The unanimously never-Trump debate commission spiked the second debate at a critical time in order to hurt President Trump. If there had been one more debate like the final one, it likely would have been pivotal.

        This is just the beginning. But any one of those things alone is enough for Trump supporters to think we have been robbed by a ruthless establishment — which is likely to only get more corrupt and aggressive if it gets away with these blatant acts.

        For more than four years, the entire establishment mobilized against the elected president of the United States as though they were an immune system trying to kill a virus. Now, they are telling us we are undermining democracy.

        You have more than 74 million voters who supported President Trump despite everything — and given the election mess, the number could easily be significantly higher. The truth is tens of millions of Americans are deeply alienated and angry.

        If Mr. Biden governs from the left — and he will almost certainly be forced to — that number will grow rapidly, and we will win a massive election in 2022.
        Given this environment, I have no interest in legitimizing the father of a son who Chinese Communist Party members boast about buying. Nor do I have any interest in pretending that the current result is legitimate or honorable. It is simply the final stroke of a four-year establishment-media power grab. It has been perpetrated by people who have broken the law, cheated the country of information, and smeared those of us who believe in America over China, history over revisionism, and the liberal ideal of free expression over cancel culture.

        I write this in genuine sorrow, because I think we are headed toward a serious, bitter struggle in America. This extraordinary, coordinated four-year power grab threatens the fabric of our country and the freedom of every American.

        • To read, hear and watch commentary by Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, visit

  7. Alan

    So, my rebuttal here will talk to each of the points. First, let me start by saying that I know I am the only person on this topic that shares a different point of view than everyone else. As I read all of Henry’s topics, and the responses, this is certainly an active support group of conservatives with far-right views. That is ok. I expected the responses I got so those of you that feel sorry for me, do not.

    Let me begin with Ed’s comments. Cleary Ed you have anger issues, and your comments are not constructive at all. I will not waste my time commenting on anything you said.

    Ron, what facts are you looking for? I will gladly provide many so let me know what facts you want to spend time discussing. I will “intelligently” discuss anything you want to bring forward. So, sure, 75 million people voted for Trump, but I can assure you that not all 75 million believe the election was fraudulent and did not vote for Trump but for the Republican Party. Right there you are assuming everyone supports Trump’s baseless claims of fraud, which by the way have been proven to be false all the way up to the SCOTUS. I know directly of several friends, who are willing to hear my POV and stay friends without insults, that do not approve of what Trump is doing or saying regarding the election. There are in fact many Republican leaders, for example Mitt Romney or Chris Krebs (who was fired for telling the truth.) What facts are you referring to, to defend your statement? Finally, I resent you telling me to smoke a joint, or two, just because I provided my POV. Insulting. I expected more.

    Char, appreciate your comment. You are mistaken about what I know or do not know. You do not know me, my education, my background or anything that can make you come to conclusion you did. I am not a proponent of Socialism despite what everyone here thinks. I want a fair and equitable republic that is free, preserves our constitution and right to vote for who ever we want. Just because I do not believe everything coming from this blog and group of people, does not make me a socialist.

    Paivikki, appreciate your comments too and thank you for being civil in your response. We both have a common goal to ensure we elect leaders that support our constitution and democracy. Your view on Biden is that same view I have of Trump. Note, I did not have these views of Regan, Bush, Ford, etc. who were all Republicans that I voted for. I am sure everyone in this thread have only voted Republican their entire life but I can say for sure. Back to your comment about Biden being a liar, racist and some who lacks accomplishment, that exact same applies to Trump. There is countless evidence of Trump’s behavior that I can call out. Note, Trump never held a political office prior to the 2016 election so there was nothing to fall back on how he would have done would he have followed a “normal” path to presidency. Anyway, I think we are aligned on the end goal, just how to get there is different.

    Finally, Henry. Thank you for at least taking the time to respond intelligently. First labeling. I believe it was you that called Biden “Beijing Biden” and Char calling him “Comrades Biden and Harris.” This labeling tactic you call out works both ways. Should I call out Trump stating, “China virus”? Sure. Do not say this is how the Democratic Party works when Republicans, and our President, do exactly the same. It is not.

    Do not say the Communist Chinese are my friends, they are most certainly not. Insulting. I despise China, Russia, North Korea or any other Communist or dictatorship driven country that suppresses the free will of people. Under Trump, China has grown their GDP by 50% from $13T to $20T. The 50% growth is about the same as under the Obama administration for the same period. My point, which clearly was overlooked, is because China is #2 in the world, we need to work with them for global economic stability vs. fight them (which clearly has netted zero results.)

    For the news sources, what can I say. OANN, Newsmax, Parler have thrived on the conspiracy theories and nonsense coming from your President. They stand along with respect to just about every other news source, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, AP, BBC and so on which do present unified and aligned results to issues. Even your old favorite Fox News has seen the light in some cases, like calling out that the electron fraud is nonsense. Also, media sites like Twitter call out Trumps continued lies which has never been done before because he is misleading this country and appealing to his followers feeding his narcissism.

    Regarding racism, there is absolutely no truth in your statement that anyone who does not support the democratic views as “white supremacist.” White supremacy by definition “is the belief that white people are superior to those of other races and thus should dominate them.” That is exactly what Trump supports. Look at his Cabinet, his Rose Garden events, his parties, not denouncing the Proud Boys in the debate, not denouncing Roof, and so on.

    On the topic of the election, it is sad that you stated the Democrat Party committed election fraud and he is a fake. I would have thought you could see past that. As I stated earlier, there is not a single piece of evidence that corroborates fraud and every case presented by Trump has been rejected by the courts. So, you too are persuaded by what you see and hear in the media. What I saw was a joke, especially Mellissa Carone and Rudy Giuliani as two examples of pathetic testimonies and legal data based on facts. When Trump was elected in 2016, was there fraud then? Of course not, right?

    There is no proof at all the Biden will reduce our strength in the world, either economically, politically or militarily. We will all find out in the next four years, but I am confident that what will happen is a sense of restoring the faith in our media, election process and democracy. It will be a tough road if McConnell remains the Senate leader because he too is an incompetent leader. All I know, is seeing Trump gone and the misinformation trail terminated will be a great day in history.

    • patriot1971

      Alan, I will make a few points on your commentary that you need clarification on since you ignore what is going on with everyone’s comments. First of all, this is not a “support group” of any kind. The implication you are making we all have a problem like a drug addiction or drinking, and we are in group therapy; therefore, we need each other to pull through. Nothing could be further from the truth. Each person exercises their free speech rights in the public square, and each person stands on their own merits.

      The point of my reply. The Left and this includes you even though you have professed to be an independent, which I seriously doubt, has fallen into the practice of “labeling.” The Left has, for many years, used this tactic to suppress speech. I recall these Marxist tactics used during the Vietnam War protests by those in the streets calling soldiers “baby killers.” I remember being addressed in this manner upon my return from Vietnam. It was a hurtful lie, and it provoked anger.

      You are complaining that being called a friend of China, implying you support the Communist Chinese Party is untrue. Is it? This example puts you in an uncomfortable box with those that support China, Marxists such as ANTIFA and BLM. People who do not support your position are labeled far or extreme right wing, just as you have done to each person who has commented on your writings. Your attempt at silencing my comments or others will not work. Not one person is part of an extreme right-wing group as far as I know. We are nothing more than concerned patriots that care for our country and are alarmed it is being pushed into socialism by the Democrat Party.

      For years most people have remained silent about such comments that the Left makes, but that has changed dramatically, and I, for one, am sick and tired of being told because I support President Trump or because I am white, that I am a racist. I will not sit still any longer while that comes from someone representing a differing point of view. Your assertion that everyone has only been a Republican their entire life is bogus since you know at one time in my life, I was a Democrat. However, I woke up and walked away with President Reagan. Your issue appears to be you do not care for the tables being turned on you implying something you may not be. You are uncomfortable with it. You are quick to judge others and slow to identify what the issue is when someone else presents an opposing opinion. Well, Alan, welcome to the club of being labeled.

      The media issue, from my perspective, is another entirely different problem. They have become the mouthpiece for the socialist Democrat Party, which many people from your position support. They lie and intentionally misconstrue information. One of which you just repeated. You are told that “there is not a single piece of evidence that corroborates the courts have rejected fraud and every case presented by Trump.” That is false. The courts, including the Supreme Court, have not heard one case on the evidence’s merits, and courts have rejected the filings based on procedural issues. As I understand the SCOTUS case, the filings should have been under Article Three, instead of Article Two of the US Constitution for the court to hear arguments. Not one point has been presented in a court of law for an appropriate adjudication of the facts. The media knows the public is not knowledgeable of the law and courts and perpetrates a false narrative, and you drive right along with it as if it is a fact.

      President Trump not denouncing the “Proud Boys” because you believe they are a white supremacist group is false. They are not a white supremacist group. They were formed and run by a young Latino, and the group is open to anyone regardless of race. The requirement is you need to be a Patriot, a supporter of the US Constitution. In the same vein, citizen Biden and Harris refused on several occasions when asked to denounce ANTIFA and BLM. Why is that? I believe it is because they support these groups who are Marxist in ideology who have a goal of tearing down the US Constitution and all it stands for in the United States. One can naturally conclude both of these citizens support that thinking and effort.

      You may not like, in fact, based on your comments, you hate President Trump. You are entitled to your opinion. I find him refreshing for a change. He is not some slick politician trying to schmooze people into believing they will do something for the American public. He is an unorthodox person, and I would go as far as saying he is a disruptor of the status quo, a much-needed event for our country. He was hired to be a change agent, and that he has been. I suspect you do not like it because it disrupted your idea of what you believe the government is all about. You stated in reply to my posting of the Vaccinations on December 16, 2020, the following, “Since Americans are not responsible people, shutdowns are needed.” This one comment speaks volumes of what you think of our country and its people. You believe the government is the sole source of thought and action—a pure Marxist position. I am a free thinker, and I am responsible for myself, not the government. President Trump supports my position. Citizen Biden does not and is an empty vessel. His forty-seven years in government with no contribution to our country demonstrates his worth. I expect no difference if he is seated in the White House.

      Alan, stop labeling people because it is a non-starter if you want to make a point. When a debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. This refers to the Left in general, just so you are clear.

  8. Paul Charles Burton

    The Dems claim everything that diminishes their power and grasp on power is a “conspiracy theory.” That was first used to describe the FACT that the Democrats had developed, initiated and executed a deliberate and widespread undermining of the peaceful transition of power from O’Bummer to Trump. Loud cries of “Conspiracy Theory” reverberated through the mainstream media for years. Then Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch proved that HRC and the Democratic Party had initiated the Steele Dossier specifically for the purpose of undermining the Trump Campaign, and then the peaceful transition of power. It was also proven that Brennan passed the Dossier to the FBI and both knew it was fake, yet both stated in public it was valis intel. Then the FBI used it to lie to the FISA Court and conduct illegal spying on the Trump Campaign. These are verified FACTS that cannot be denied. Now the “conspiracy theory” is Biden was elected by the dead, the unregistered in suitcases, the multiple running of single ballots, the non-citizens (read Illegals) ineligible to vote, the abusive treatment of ballot harvesters of nursing home residents, and the denial of access of voting overseers so that these activities could take place. The problem is there is a plethora of admissible evidence verifying these facts. Thus it is no “conspiracy theory” that these illegal activities took place. Only the MSM and the Dem party have their heads to far up their own posteriors that they cannot see a fact when one is presented. Everyone should keep in mind that the Marxist playbook from the Bolshevik revolution is replete with these kinds of denials and lies. “Conspiracy Theory” is now the favorite Marxist deflection from the truth mantra. Anyone who uses it is immediately identifiable as an Anti-American, pro Communist, anti-constitution, anti-free speech Marxist.

  9. Ed Sullivan

    YES Alan, I have an anger issue… I HATE the socialist push and indoctrination of children by socialist/communist teachers. I fought with card carrying Communist Professors at the University of Massachusetts for denouncing my brother as a “baby killer” because he was serving this country in Vietnam. I find it intolerable to watch the Nation I served for over 20 years slide toward the abyss of intolerance that I have watched and heard spewed from the automatons of the MSM for the last four years and the abject ignorance shown by folks like you who rubber stamp this craziness as if it is totally acceptable behaviors for a civil society. Then I hear all of the left now preaching healing the division….the ONLY DIVISION that needs healing is that directly caused by the above mentioned facts, President Trump did not divide this Country, all of you idiots spewing hatred for him is what has caused all the division. Nothing that you can blather out will ever change the facts that the ONLY hate and division espoused by anyone for the past four years has been crowed by the sociodumbrats.

  10. Bobbie Hagar

    Alan, why is it you don’t appear the least bit offended that illegal, fraud votes , Dominion machines dumping votes is an interference and has corrupted our election?

    Five states have bypassed their own Legislators to make new laws days before the election. They went totally against the their Constitution!

    Are you not paying attention that Canada invited China to play war games and the ONLY reason they are not there is our PRESIDENT TRUMP advised Canada against it! Do you think Biden would even consider this a BAD idea? I think not. How about this last year China is buying up ports and some are in Jamaica, Cuba and Bahamas! Do YOU think that is too close to our shores?

    I am an Independent, but in fact, loved all the things that Trump mentioned when he first announced running for President. He is not a Democrat or a Republican! The Dems sure had their hands out for Trumps money for their own elections. President Trump is a Pragmatist. He sees a problem and gets the job done. He has done more in four short years than most Presidents get done in eight!

    Alan, you and people thinking like you may deserve Biden, I DON’T! Your city of Seattle is an example of what is in store for our country if Biden gets in.
    The Democratic Party is today’s MAFIA!

  11. Alan

    Well the event that happened today at the Capital is why ridding this country of Trump and his poison is a good thing.

    Regarding the fraud, there isn’t any. Why can’t people believe the courts? Why is it only Trump, and not all the other Republican Representatives and Senators who won on the same ballots, with the same voting machines, on the same day? We should then call fraud on McConnell, Graham and everyone else who won elections in November. Makes no sense does it?

    I will thank Trump for Georgia and giving up the Senate majority. It’s a great day today that his continued nonsense about voter fraud. The people have voted and a narcissistic, pathetic loser of a President will be gone in 14 days.

    • patriot1971

      This is from a friend’s daughter who was at the rally in D.C.

      “Media is lying about the Trump parade. There was no violence. Antifa dressed as Trump supporters and a few of them tried to get into the Capitol building. The patriots stayed on the grass either praying, shouting, “Stop the Steal,” or “We the People,” or were singing “God Bless America.” It is not crazy. 1000’s of people standing around talking, laughing. Three full streets of patriots marching to the Capitol. A sea of non-violent marches. The elderly, children, teenagers. Families. Seriously, do not believe any news channel. I am here. Firsthand visual. What may happen tonight with Antifa, I do not know. The Elipse Park was packed. The National Monument’s entire grass area was packed. Antifa tried to entice Trump supporters and patriots to storm the building. They did not! Antifa did. This was a calm, kind, enormous group of people. The news is lying!!!!”

    • Alicia

      You are looking through a rose colored lens with a mi-optic worldview. There are 12 Senators and many House Representatives objecting to the validity of the ballots legally in order to bring to the American people the evidence and facts in a fraudulent election. ANTIFA, impersonating Trump supporters are the disruptive elements. Your hatred of a non-politician man, since day one, who only wants the best for this country, is poisoning you. The left never gave him a chance. Can you deny that? The left has done nothing but ridicule and spew hatred for 4 years. Hatred never wins.

  12. Bobbie Hagar

    I am DEFINITELY for a true 3rd Party. I like the name “PATRIOT PARTY.” I believe it is on its way and I will no longer be an Independent! Both parties are worthless, and spineless against the NEW ORDER trying to take our country over!

  13. Dale Austin

    Alan, point of order, please. When you reference believing the courts, you make it sound as if the courts found no evidence of fraud.
    When the courts denied Trump, they didn’t rule on the whether there was fraud or not, as I understand it, they ruled on “standing.” As an example, a Texas case went to the US Supreme Court, but we were told “Trump lost.” No, the SCOTUS said Texas “had no standing” to bring whatever their issue was before the US Supreme Court. They simply refused to hear the legal arguments. SCOTUS never tries cases; it rules on legal issues.

    That said, after Trump’s weak response to the crowd, and the audacity to call loyal-to-a-fault Mike Pence weak after Pence was only doing what the Constitution directed, I’m done with Trump. I can only hope he gets shelled in the 2024 primary so I can go back to voting for somebody I respect.

    Ron Reagan, where are you when we need you!

    • patriot1971

      I agree Dale. Throwing Pence under the bus for doing what is legal and constitutional was a very sad move on his part. No matter what happens from this point forward, Trump is totally dead in the water.

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