What Is Happening to Our Freedom?

The title and question are real in this day and age of the Socialist Left’s encroachment on our way of life as expressed in the country’s founding documents, and it seems we’re far removed from the original intent. This is not an overnight process we have been subjected to; it has been in the making since Progressivism reared its ugly head at the beginning of the Twentieth Century. As I have stated in the past blogs, Progressive, Liberal, Socialist, Nazism, Marxist, or Communist are all part of the same ideology, just in different public flavors.

I have intentionally waited to write this blog and present it during Christmas. I want everyone to digest this on a stomach full of eggnog and a well-prepared meal. I will try not to be boring and will make my points as I see them. The gest of this blog entry is that we have to fight for what we believe in. We will end up doing it in different ways. I like to write and hopefully inspire critical thinking and subsequent action. I am perfectly capable of engaging in a more direct protest, but being an older man makes my application of such moves limited. I will leave that to others. We are all different, yet the same. The one thing we have in common is we are Americans.

The fundamental demise of what our citizens believe in these days of confusion and outright lying are found in our corrupt educational system. The lack of clear and robust teaching of our history, civics, government, and ethics has deteriorated over the many years by the infusion of, and I’ll be generous, Progressive attitudes in academia, has crippled the minds of generations of students. In recent polls, young and inexperienced students honestly believe Socialism is an acceptable way of government and life. They have no clue or understanding because they lack a frame of reference. In schools today at all levels, no one teaches about the reason for the American Revolution or the Civil War, except in coached terms that lead young minds to misinterpretation of history and why our country exists. No one explains the Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights. No one describes the three separate branches of government and that they are equal in their own right. Most young people do not understand the court system in the States they live in or the federal system. They are ignorant of the workings of the US Congress. These young people have been subjected to prolonged and relentless “brainwashing” and believe nonsense like the New York Times 1619 Project that promotes the idea that our country is founded on slavery. President Trump started the 1776 Commission to restore honesty and truth in schools and fight against the NYT 1619 Project. Our rights and freedoms of free speech, religion and thought are under a constant attack by the Progressive attack dogs of the media, that same institution the cries foul when they are muzzled are in fact muzzling everyday citizens.

The type of governments I described earlier falls under a general label called “totalitarian,” a word that is a new genre, and before the twentieth century did not exist. My readings disclose that the term used before totalitarian is “tyranny,” stemming from the works of Aristotle. He understood tyranny to mean a form of government by one person or a group of people serving their self-interest and subjecting others to its will. History is replete with examples of tyranny. Our forefathers knew this and intentionally designed a government that would preclude tyranny as viable unless the people ignored their civic duties. Have the people neglected their civic responsibilities? I would say yes, they have. We, the people, are responsible for putting Progressives in charge of making our laws and running our country. We have allowed this to happen. There is not just one party; Progressives are not only Democrats but Republicans. We identify them as RINOs (Republicans in Name Only). When our founding fathers started our country, there were only two ways a government can go, tyranny or anarchy, no left versus right. It did not exist at that time. Tyranny, as already explained, is rule by a few. Anarchy is no rule by or for anyone.

Our forefathers strived for the middle and created our system that the people rule the government. That is pretty much gone now. So, where are we?

We are at war with ourselves, like it or not. The bigger question is, how do we fix this problem if there is a fix possible? Some will say strike the Marxist BLM and ANTIFA down and anyone that supports them. The Left is already demanding a list of Trump supporters implying they will pay for supporting President Trump. What they mean is a guess, execution, or internment camps for re-education? The first moves are already at work. Those moves are the suppression of free speech. Look around you, and you see it everywhere. Careful what you say; you could be sued or harassed or shamed. Next will be the restrictions of firearms by imposing laws, absurd taxes, or rules on ammo, magazines, types of weapons, and then eventually, you will not be allowed to own a gun. These are not conspiracy theories as the Progressives would like you to believe. Listen carefully to what is said by the Left. They are telling all of us what is coming. Ask yourself why certain agencies in our government are only prosecuting certain people with a conservative worldview, i.e., the FBI and the courts. All you have to do is listen.

How do you fight back? Start with this method. Try talking to your children. Try and determine what they think they know. If necessary, correct them with facts. If your child is small, like a grandchild, entertain them with short stories, ten or fifteen minutes long, no longer about some segment of our history. Tell them about George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin. Tell them about the Alamo and why one hundred and thirty-six men fought and died against a Mexican Army of 4,000. What motivated these men to give their lives for freedom? Why did Lewis and Clark travel to our country’s far reaches to explore? Why did they do such a thing? Tell them about why there was a great Civil War and the reasons for fighting. Tell them about Abraham Lincoln and what he stood for as a President, and the decisions he had to make. Tell them about how the KKK got started and who started it, and why. Tell them about President Woodrow Wilson, the first Progressive President and racist who supported the KKK. Tell them about those evils and how bad they are for all of us. Tell them about Theodore Roosevelt, and he was also a believer in Progressivism and a Republican. Tell them about how and why WWI and WWII started and why. Explain the story of Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo and why this ill-fated raid was a success, and what purpose it served?

As a personal example. I was five years old, maybe six. My father was packing and getting ready to go into the Korean Conflict in 1952. A man came over to say goodbye to my father and I noticed his head was different and his speech a little slow. After he left, I ask my father what was wrong with him. His story has stayed with me since it was told. He said, “Son, he is a survivor of the Bataan Death March and as a prisoner of war the Japanese severely beat him as they also did on the march. He has a metal plate in his head and struggles each day with his ability to talk. He is a brave and courageous man who fought for your freedom. Respect him always.” I did not realize the full impact of my father’s story until years later, but I always remembered this snippet of history.

I think you get the picture. Give these children snippets of history. Cause them to question everything they are taught in school. It will be a long process, but it needs to be started in order to cripple the encroachment of Socialism in our country. Use historical information that is truthful. That approach is deadly to the slave masters of Socialism. If everyone educates children’s little flexible minds, like the Left is doing with falsehoods, maybe, just maybe we can stem the tide of hatred and subjugation.

We are responsible for building and keeping the spirit of freedom, or we all will be deprived of our country if we allow the forces of evil to take it from us. Our country needs to return to a country under God and by the power of God Almighty we will. Fight!


  1. Charlotte

    Your best blog ever. Just wish we could get our children and grandchildren to take heed. God bless you for writing this and Merry Christmas!

  2. Jerry

    This is a terrific blog with great challenges for us to do some homework with our grandkids. Sadly some of us don’t have that opportunity with the grandkids but I pray opportunities would come up to do this. I truly believe Biblical Prophecy is being fulfilled with the direction our country, media and political leaders have taken for the past 4 years. Departing from all the Christian beliefs our founding fathers instilled into our country has allowed the forces of evil to prevail at rapid rates… And it will get worse the next 4 years…

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