My Trip Through COVID Infested Land

I have been out of circulation due to life events and travel. Speaking of travel I just returned from a trip to Florida and South Georgia visiting friends and family. I left as a Negative and unvaccinated person traveling by car through NM, TX, LA, MS, AL, FL and back into GA traversing the same States twice on my way home. I returned as a Negative unvaccinated person of the COVID hype. I made multiple stops along I-10, which by the way was a miserable route from San Antonio east to the Florida State line, especially through Houston and Beaumont, TX. The traffic congestion and road work was overwhelming and a mess.

After stopping along the way for gas in those mentioned areas I felt like I needed a Tetanus shot after bathroom breaks. Coming back I decided on I-20 that connected to I-10 in far west TX and it turned out to be a wise choice. Quicker and cleaner.

This brings me to my point of my latest blog. Yes, I believe COVID exists and yes it makes one sick just like a cold or the flu and you may just like the flu get sick enough to die. It happens. The government hype on COVID is beyond ridiculousness. I was going to write about it and my trip but found the article below much more compelling in its descriptive nature about the same issues I was going to address. We as a free nation are having our rights slowly converted to the will of a dysfunctional government.

I took no special precautions in my travels. Not once did I wear a mask. Not once did the folks I visited wear masks. No one said stay away. I observed several people wearing masks driving on the interstate in a vehicle by themselves. I could only shake my head at the sear stupidity of it. Not one of the people I visited has had any adverse illness due to my visit. In other words, life wins out over a stupid government mandate. Here is the excellent article by Kurt Schlichter of TownHall.

Gee, I Wonder Why Most People Are Shrugging Off Omicron?

By: Kurt Schlichter
December 2, 2021

The news of the emerging Omicron variant was greeted with a giant shrug by most of America, and it’s no surprise why. The total failure of our establishment to earn our trust over the last two years of this pandemic made it inevitable that a huge number of people, at best, don’t care, and at worst think it’s a calculated lie designed to prolong this nonsense. The COVIDians are positively turgid over the idea of more mandates, more lockdowns, more masks, and more viro-fascism. So when the CEO of Moderna states that the vaccine might not be as effective against this new mutation as to earlier ones, in direct contradiction to what President Asterisk assured us just a day before was “unlikely,” we just see it as more bullSchiff shoveled by the manure mob.

They’ve lied to us before, and often, and then they get all huffy when we point out their lies. You are not denying science by pointing out how wrong, and how often, Fauci has been. That malignant dwarf is so high on his own supply that he’s now offering his insights on politics to eager legacy media hacks. His takes are, no surprise, just as stupid as his takes on COVID.

It’s not a conspiracy theory or kookiness to assess that our so-called leaders have failed in every way in this crisis. Look at Biden – the guy who was going to wave his magic wand and make it all better has seen more people die under him than Trump. But the establishment never criticizes this guy; why would they, since he gives them whatever they want?

They lied to us. The experts told us masks are no good, then that they are, then that you need two, then none, then masks again. And they knew the first mask denial was a lie – at least they believed it was, making the fact that what they intended to be a noble lie to keep us rubes from using up all the mouth thongs was actually the only time they got anything right in this whole sorry saga.

What about natural immunity? They never discuss it, yet the science – I was informed that science is super important – says it gives you the best protection. How come it’s never part of the discussion? We never get a reason, just a demand that we take a drug those of us who beat the virus might not even need. And a booster too because, well, shut up and obey.

Look at the vaccine. It’s a nice drug. Like all drugs, it has some side effects, but it does seem to make it less serious if you do catch COVID. If they sold it as that, fine. But they sold it as preventing COVID, which we know it does not do, nor does it keep you from spreading it. Yet they never came out and said, “We were wrong when we told you that you would not catch it and get your life back if you took this drug. Here are the facts as we now know them.” No, they accused you of denying science, whatever that means, and hordes of bloodthirsty blue check sissies began toobining to their fantasies of murdering those who will not submit. There’s no humility, no transparency, just a desperate scramble to keep the emergency powers our society idiotically invested in these incompetents. So, this is their time to shine. No wonder it goes on and on.

Fauci loves this and never wants it to end. Ever. And if you disagree, point to one shred of evidence that this is not true. What has the evil elf ever done that lessens his own power or prominence? Nothing. Here’s Exhibit A for my assertion: Turn on CNN. He’ll be right there, demanding you submit to his tiny will. But don’t look for him on, say, Hugh Hewitt, who told him to his smug face that he lacked any credibility and should quit.

The fact is that we gave a bunch of lab-coated human beings power, but we forgot about human nature and allowed them the “But muh science!” trump card to escape accountability. Fauci recently, before opining on January 6th, essentially claimed that to oppose him is to oppose science. He’s not science. He’s an intensely fallible little man. This is the problem with so-called experts – well, one of the problems, another key one being that they mostly suck at what they purport to be experts at. When progressives insist that we give up our sovereignty to the rule of experts, the unspoken premise is that science is going to be their sole decision-making criterion. But that cannot be – they are human, or in the case of that ridiculous gnome Fauci, humanoid. Human beings are never neutral and never disinterested. Human nature always intrudes. Humans are selfish, egotistical, proud, arrogant, and often foolish. And those adjectives make up Fauci’s CV.

This is why we have – wait for it – a system of checks and balances instead of a dictatorship of the incompotentariat. Moreover, even if the premise of “pure expertise” was true, we do not want a scientist with narrow alleged expertise making societal-level decisions. Coming up with measures to keep us from catching COVID is not the only question. What do the proposed measures do to the economy, to the culture, to kids’ development? These are societal decisions, and as the 1/6 onanists keep reminding us, our democracy is very important. Yet, these people are the first to cut us normals out of having a say in our own governance. We elect politicians to synthesize information and consider the effects on all aspects of society, not just the narrow issue regarding the mechanics of a glorified cold.

So don’t look for normal people to panic like the clown governing New York did, canceling elective surgeries. We are Chicken Littled out – the sky is always falling and the only thing to do is give up more of our freedom!

No. We’re done. If you want a vaccine, get it – hell, you probably already have. Get a booster if you want it. Or don’t. Go out. Live your life.

And GOP pols, stop playing along with this farce. It’s been two years – two years – and it will never end on its own because Dem politicians love the power, hack docs love the limelight, and people with empty lives love the excitement of the faux perma-crisis.
You need to stop it. Open everything. No lockdowns. No mandates. No panic. Let people live their lives. Channel Ron DeSantis.
And tell the pandemic pack to go boost themselves.


  1. FRANK Anderson

    Henry, I , too, made a trip. I flew to Portland to purchase a pick-up. I was South of Portland about 50 miles. I had just arrived and walked to a restaurant a block away. I walk in the front door, and the two hostesses “snapped”.. “”put on your mask”” I did not have one, so they reluctantly gave me one. How rude.

    Then they seat me…40 or more people in there without a masks. Go figure.

    On my drive back to Fargo ND, I paid $5.00 for gas, dirty restrooms where I thought they would be clean, masks required til I got to Montana. Then gas prices started to drop. Then no masks. I get a kick out of those who wear masks, in the car.

    Portland….people under bridges and trash piled high like snow, blowing across the interstate. Chunks of rubber in my way as I drove like playing a pin ball machine.

    I got a chuckle out of a man wearing a mask, coming out of a men’s restroom, in Washington State, that smelled like non other. I wanted to ask if his mask, masked the smell? I highly doubt not.

    I have a video from Dr Ardis, and ones you sent me. Patients are being murdered by REMDESIVIR

    I copy from the EPOCH TIMES, dated 12/1/2021 written by Matthew Vadum, title, Dying COVID PATIENT RECOVERS…

    “After an Illinois hospital insisted on administering expensive remdesivir to the patient and the treatment failed, his life was saved after a court ordered that an outside medical doctor be allowed to use the inexpensive ivermectin to treat him, over the hospital’s strenuous objections”….

    The reason hospitals use Remdesivir is that the hospital is BONUSED an additional 20% on top of the $20,000 plus, the government pays them to treat the patient.

    I am so sorry I received 2 shots, but, the Dr Ardis video explains what to do now, which is to take some inexpensive, harmless, supplements, like Zink, Vit C and D3, and Apple Pectin, and couple others.

    What a bunch of crap. But, dangerous rhetoric, we all know our nation’s business is not being done. China will soon own us if it does not, already.

    Fargo ND is a $3.19. I am so thankful I live where I do.

  2. John Lopes

    I pray for all those who have taken the shots. I haven’t seen any benefits from them, only more sickness and adverse effects over time with friends and family.
    So I just had my annual doctor’s visit and can pass on some interesting points of discussion that I had with my doc. My cognitive test went well, remembered the 3 words, bear, table,and nickel. So I’m doing better than Biden. Regarding Covid, I’ve had it 18 months ago and have strong antibodies. When asked if I have taken the shots, I said no, why would I. He said that’s fine and told me he had to take 2 shots and a booster to keep his job. He definitely wasn’t comfortable with it but went on to say regardless of how everyone feels about the CDC, they have to follow all CDC guidelines. He never pushed back or pressured me to take the shots. I feel bad for him because he’s brilliant and now conflicted but I told him critical thinking is required for anything the CDC, Big Pharma, or our government is promoting. And my factual research doesn’t support their narratives. He asked me if I had a flu shot and I said the flu doesn’t exist for the second year in a row. The CDC just informed them that a new flu was reported to be in Mexico and may make its way to AZ. Here we go again if Omicron fails, they’ll always have a new one. I told him how this 2 yr nightmare will end. Resistance to shots, mandates, and government overreach which is catching on. He didn’t disagree. I believe I left a lasting impression on one good doctor. Hope you all can bring back common sense and critical thinking with anyone who’ll listen. Merry Christmas 🎄

  3. Ron Brown

    I honestly think Americans as a group are pretty ignorant. That is not to say we are stupid, far from it. There are numerous reasons and examples, too numerous to introduce here but I will focus on the example at hand, the “pandemic”. We have a government along with its agencies that has lied to us about everything COVID for nearly two years. In order to address the most obvious, blatant lies, the government had to redefine the definition of “vaccine” and “immunity”. They have not yet addressed the totally exaggerated and hard to believe “statistics” related to COVID and likely won’t.

    Some folks have questioned why the intense propaganda related to COVID while the flu is ignored, both very similar SARS viruses. Most folks have not given the lies and propaganda any thought and have just taken the shot, in spite of the much less than stellar results, and the many adverse reactions and death, from the jab. Enter ignorance.

    For many the shot makes sense. To keep your job, living with someone or being someone with a compromised immune system, whatever. It is a cost – benefit decision for each of us. Medical ethics and governmental edicts of the past recognize that they cannot force us to inject drugs we reject, yet today leaders contemplate total forced compliance, as reportedly the Australians have and perhaps soon European nations. Our medical system, against its own time honored precepts, have sided with government, at a huge loss of respect and trust by its clients, me included. Science has yielded to politics.

    As a country, we are diminished on so many levels because of COVID, politically, commercially, socially and personally. Something is behind this; something pushing this. I read snippets of what it may be but I don’t have the skill set to objectively analyze it. I strongly fear we are on the verge of losing a great deal as a nation as we journey forth. While the nation and the land it sits on will survive, life as we knew it may not.

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