Bedlam Reigns in the United States with No End in Sight

To say these last couple of months have been stressful and created a significant upheaval in our society and country is an understatement. I would like to address a common theme that keeps being pushed by the Left-Wing, that Fascism is a Right-Wing position and development. An abridged tour in history completely dispels the myth of Fascism as a position of the Right. Understanding this is paramount to understanding where the Democrat, Progressive, Socialist, Marxist side of the ledger is coming from as they assault our country.

Fascism as an ideological concept appears in my readings to have originated in the French Revolution (1788-1799) by the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The French Revolution, by all accounts, was the first totalitarian revolution and according to Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism, 2007, when he wrote, “…one thing is clear: the French Revolution was the first totalitarian revolution, the mother of modern totalitarianism, and the spiritual model for the Italian Fascist, German Nazi, and Russian Communist revolutions.”

Fascism is a “niche” belief within the kaleidoscope of the political Left. They are against Liberal Progressives because those that are self-identifying as Progressives do not go far enough. The Fascist belief system is more attuned to the Communist ideology. I say this because history shows that Lenin and Mussolini praised each other and agreed with their ideology principles. This brings me to Benito Mussolini, also known as Il Duce (The Leader).

Mussolini historically appears to be the Father of Modern Fascism. History shows that he was a die-hard socialist and espoused socialism his entire life. His father routinely lectured him as he grew up on the virtues of socialism and railed against any idea of Capitalism. During his rise to power, Mussolini adopted Fascism and dictatorship, forming a totalitarian government in Italy. Mussolini hated Christianity, especially the Catholic Church, and denounced it repeatedly. In all of its forms, the Left glorify the “people” and not the individual, banish God as a belief, and want to replace Christianity with a new political religion of the “people,” an idea stemming from the philosophy of Robespierre during the French Revolution. His dogma was intellectual totalitarianism. Under Mussolini, the Italian State turned pagan declaring Fascism a “religion” of the State. He used his comparisons to denigrate the Catholic Church and hold pagan festivals to make his point.

The terms used to identify a political group in our country is often misleading as one group over the other tries to gain an advantage. Understand the history of the label you are willing to wear as part of your political identity. Know and understand that Communism and Fascism are nearly the same with the same goals, political power, absolute control by a single group, and they both want a police state. I implore you to do your research as the limited space here is not enough to do justice to a whole argument.

I leave you with the problem of identifying what is BLM and what is ANTIFA? Some claim that ANTIFA is nothing more than an ideology and not even an organized group. That is misleading and fundamentally wrong thinking. Ideology is Marxist for both groups. They are both well organized and financed to disrupt our country and tear it down. That is their aim, make no mistake about it. One group claiming they are against “globalist” and Fascism is a canard. Why does this same group have a worldwide affiliation with each other, which makes them “globalist” also, does it not? What is its purpose? In my opinion, they exist to bring down the free will of the people. They live to spread terror to collapse our Constitutional Republic because it is a significant threat to their Marxist beliefs. BLM is no different. They are using race as a justification to tear down our country. It is nothing more than a canard. The BLM group leaders explicitly state they are Marxist trained and believe in Communism.

When you see the violence on nightly TV of riots in many of the major cities, understand this is programed just like the Russian Communist Revolution, the Italian Fascist Revolution, and the German Nazi Revolution to seize a country’s power and a government. Understand its roots lay in the French Revolution that gave birth to Socialism and Fascism ideology.

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