Will Biden’s Mental Capacity Allow Him To Be President?

With all the discussion concerning the Democratic front runner, Joe Biden, concerning his mental agility I decided to look up what the possible issue may be as defined by the DSM-5. After reading it, my commonsense and observations on TV during interviews, without being a doctor support the idea this guy has a big problem. What do you think?

Dementia, Delirium, Amnestic, and other cognitive disorders are referred to as Neurocognitive Disorders (NCD). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, DSM-5 (2013).
“There are many levels to NCD, and some have a base in underlying ailments such as infections like HIV, encephalitis, drug and alcohol, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease.”

“NCD is characterized by intellectual decline and usually progressive deficits not only in memory but also in language, perception, learning, and other areas of cognitive abilities. NCD will be classified as mild or major based on the severity of the displayed symptoms.”

These symptoms are also part of the evaluation of the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. NCD Domains that are used in diagnosis:

“Cognitive domain: Complex Attention (sustained attention, divided attention, selective attention, processing speed). Examples: Has increased difficulties in environments with multiple stimuli (TV, radio, conversation), is easily distracted by competing events in the environment. Is unable to attend unless input is restricted and simplified. Has difficulty holding new information in mind, such as recalling phone numbers and addresses just given, or reporting what was just said. Is unable to perform mental calculations. All thinking takes longer than usual, and components to be processed must be simplified to one or a few.”

“Executive function (planning, decision making, working memory, responding to feedback/error correction, overriding habits, inhibition, mental flexibility). Examples: Abandons complex projects. Needs to focus on one task at a time. Needs to rely on others to plan instrumental activities of daily living or make decisions.”

Does any descriptive information above apply to Biden? He needed him to have his wife sit with him to keep him on track of the interview. The managers of his election team were holding him locked in a basement and not available to the media because of COVID-19. I suspect Biden is unable to formulate complex thoughts and express himself clearly due to his declining mental health issues.


  1. Julie Brown

    I believe that, as always, the Democrats have formulated some evil plan by having Biden in this position. Either they want one of the other candidates that voters did not vote for in the VP slot so that they will soon become President (and then have Nancy Pelosi as VP). OR, they will at the last minute replace Biden with a surprise candidate such as Andrew Cuomo.

  2. Duane Smith

    During my tenure as a deputy sheriff in Los Angeles County, I was assigned to the Court that handles mentally disabled persons whose family members sought a finding of mental incapacity and desired an appointment as the individuals Legal Guardian. I served in that capacity as Court Bailiff for almost a year.
    Given such first hand experience with a large variety of such individuals, and applying that experience to the obvious deterioration of Joe Biden, I must conclude (absent a medical degree of course) that he is unfit to serve as president. So the issue now becomes, who will be the nominee for V.P. That selection has received much attention lately, predominately focused on a “black female”, with a smattering of Barack Obama. The last line of the 12th Amendment clearly states that anyone who is ineligible to serve as President cannot be vice president. This eliminates Barack. So the Democrat Party must find a viable V. P. or finagle an alternate to Biden which they are calling “Plan B”. I suspect that is everyone must vote by mail. Recall the activist group, ACORN by Obama??

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