Let Us Abolish Police Departments in Major Cities

An utterly absurd idea being promulgated by Democratic Socialist mayors and Governors in blue states is the elimination of police. Looking at this concept is necessary to point out how utterly stupid this would be for all citizens.

For the sake of this discussion, let us visualize Minneapolis, Minnesota, as the city that removes the police from the community. What would happen?

Based on my experience of forty-some years in law enforcement, I believe I can explain what an abject failure of an idea this is and why it will create such misery for all citizens. I have trained in routine patrol, apprehension tactics, interviews and interrogation (polygraph), riot control, hostage negotiations, criminal investigations and community policing with extensive experience in each one of those roles.

The very first day that police are no longer available, criminals will organize into gangs and start dividing up the city into fiefdoms they control. There will be internal wars over who controls what areas. The citizens of each area that are considered average citizens will not have a say in how this division of spoils will end up or how things will operate from that point forward. Criminals will have a free hand in what and how they conduct themselves if a citizen gets in the way they will be eliminated as an obstruction to the new natural order of criminality.

Citizens, out of necessity, will form armed militias for the protection of their families, property, and common interest. They will have to be prepared to confront and neutralize any criminal element that poses a threat to them. Law and Order will not exist. Citizens will mistakenly assume they must work within the confines of what they understand as correct procedure and law. The truth is many will not fully understand what those laws are or how to implement tactical procedures to stop criminals. There will be many mistakes.

Most people are uncomfortable being in a confrontational situation. They will hesitate, and criminals used to confrontation as part of their daily life will take advantage of citizens involved in an “unnatural” environment. They will disarm them, seriously hurt them, and kill them. There is a learning curve that people will have to endure to recognize how much force is necessary to subdue the criminal element. It will be rough and unpredictable, and many will die.

What happens to the citizen militia when they overreach and kill an innocent person? Who will administer justice to the family of that person? Or, will the civilian militia just chalk it up to a wrong decision and move on? After all, the person severely hurt or killed may have been a criminal anyway, regardless if they were innocent at the time of the confrontation between them and the militia unit.

Citizens will have to become self-sufficient in case of emergencies. They will have to know first aid and how to transport an injured or sick person to a medical facility if they exist and not controlled by the criminal element. The criminal element is all about power and control, and it would not surprise me if they managed hospitals to keep citizens under control.

Society, as we know, will collapse, and anarchy will be every day and night event. Citizens will live in constant fear of the criminal element, and the criminals will take advantage of the doubt and subdue the citizens. If you can not imagine this, just look at several different movies that precisely depicted this scenario: Batman, Robocop, and a host of others. Hollywood has given us a visual of an invented outcome to the loss of control and elimination of the police.

Keep this in mind that it is only the Democrat Socialist that wants this to develop in cities across the country. Maybe they are part of the criminal element. Perhaps they see an opportunity to still be in control. At least one Governor is acting that way, the Governor of Michigan. The Democratic majority in the House of Representatives sees an opportunity to strike as they are now crafting legislation that will limit and eventually abolish the law enforcement establishment in our country. There will be open borders, and the Cartels and MS-13 gangs will invade.

Are you prepared for this scenario? Remember this when you vote on November 3, 2020, for the next President. Ex-Vice President Biden has already staked out a position and supports the idea of the elimination of policing agencies.


  1. Art Foss

    Great article Henry, I think there is a bigger picture here. Have you ever read the Communist Manifesto? Their plan is first, take over education (to include Colleges), then local politics and on up to the Federal level, then disrupt law enforcement and the judicial system, at that point they will be able to take over this country without firing a shot. If you look at the US today they are well on their way.

    • patriot1971

      Art, I have read the referenced manifesto as well as other books. Ever since the cold war with the USSR, there has been an active effort to subvert the United States. Thanks to the Democrat Party we are well on our way.

  2. Mike

    Very true, I don’t think these Representatives understand that if there is no police to enforce the law, there is no need for Representatives that make laws!

  3. Patty

    Great article, this mirrors my thoughts in many ways. I think that police departments need to be cleaned up not eliminated. Like every organization, they have bad officers and good officers. I like to believe the good still outnumber the bad.

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