Emotionalism vs. Logic in Discussions

I just had an experience with a young woman that I will use as an example to the topic. I recently listened to a short video from the news outlet, OANN, and it was the subject matter that caught my attention. They reported on factual statistics that the CDC claimed were current. The accurate statistics show the reported deaths due to COVID-19 were falsified by hospitals to gain monetarily some $3,000 plus from Medicare/Medicaid for each reported death with a COVD identifier as the cause of the death. CDC was revising their numbers because of inflated numbers and not writing on actual causes of death such as heart attack, pneumonia, COPD, or people in HOSPICE for various reasons like cancer. These people were already dying when they caught COVID. The reporting was none political and reported without inserting the opinion of the reporter. The reporter made no additional commentary, just reported the CDC’s real numbers and why the numbers changed.

I found this interesting and forwarded the information in an email as I am prone to do on informative issues. Many people do the same to me, and I get bunches of emails daily. I received multiple responses to the email and information. The one answer I received is what caused me to think about the topic of emotionalism versus logic. The email I received directly attacked OANN as a far-right-wing media outlet putting out conspiracy theories. Nothing was said about the information the piece was about. I can only conclude she agreed with the report since she did not attack it. Her problem was how it was communicated and by whom, and there was no logic to her reply. It was deeply emotional and without foundation. This is the world we live in for the moment. Subsequently, she followed up with another email without my prompting, asking me not to be mad at her for expressing her views.

I explained I do not get angry over a person expressing their views or opinions as long as they have facts to back up their argument. She did not have facts. She had emotion, and that leads nowhere. It is unhealthy and provokes intentionally.

Communications are a foundation to establishing who they are, what they believe in, and how to present information to those who listen. It is complicated, and one of the communications dynamic skills is developing the skill set to listen. Another part of that dynamic is the skill of critical thinking and being able to logically and reasonable present your arguments. Both parties learn from such an exchange of ideas, positions, and thoughts. Failure to engage respectfully breaks the communications paradigm into pieces that the participants selectively choose to throw back at the other person, like a rock.
Look at the media and the differences between the President Trump press conferences and the single biden press conference. I watched the entire exchange between the press and biden, and I have drawn conclusions based on my observations. The press conference was an exercise in how to handle an elderly person that has a hard time with complex questions. His answers were prearranged along with the prearranged questions. That is a fact. My deductions to make a statement like this as “fact” are as follows.

Each question presented was done in a monotone voice. The questions were presented in a low tone. The questions were slowed in pace and tenor as if presenting the questions to a person hard of hearing or a hard time understanding complex questions and thoughts. One question was never answered, and instead, he rambled off on the latest Election Bill being pushed through Congress. His answer had nothing to do with the question presented. The most damaging answer biden gave was read from a cue card on the complex problems with China. The free world leader of the most powerful country in the world was unable to articulate a reasoned and logical answer concerning the greatest threat to the United States. He had to read it from a cue card—what a marked difference between biden and other people who held that position.

The point in explaining the biden press show was that his answers, for the most part, were based on his emotions or the Left’s emotions about issues. No facts were presented. There was no logic in his answers, just emotional rhetoric. He could not explain his decisions on the southern border debacle and the on-going crises his administration orchestrated, allowing children into this country and putting them into cages, and allowing infected people into this country that have tested positive for COVID. This alone shows how mismanaged his policies are and how much harm he brings to the United States. His administration has created a humanitarian disaster.

The question I have for everyone is what we as citizens of our country can do about this irrational emotional response to just about everything that happens or is said by the Left?

I suggest we logically look at the issues. Strip away the emotions and critically think about the problems. Form a logical response to those that want to push the emotional narrative. We can not ignore this present posture in our society of the Left. If we do, we become like them, and that is unconscionable to me.


    • patriot1971

      Thank you. Separating your emotions from an issue is tough sometimes depending on what is being discussed. Logic should lead your position. Your passion will shine through based on logic and not a kaleidoscope of emotion.

  1. Esther Harwell

    Based on my experiences, many have lost the ability to employ logic. If an opinion differs from theirs, emotion takes over. Suddenly whoever the other is trying to convince of something looses the ability to speak in a normal tone. They think that increasing their volume should make it easier for me to understand. No rationale defense or explanation of the issue, just loud, rambling words. And if all else fails, use profanity and name calling. Frustrating. I am one who wants to hear all sides and what information formed their opinion. Unfortunately, to have a polite, adult conversation is now hard to come by.

  2. R Brown

    Being 75 and having been around the political block a few times, my response to your concern about communicating with the emotional left is that communication and certainly agreement are nearly impossible. First of all, both sides are working with different statistics of different quality. The left will support its emotional premise with what they hear on CNN, e.g., which is based on “stats and facts” interpreted by the left , i.e., pick and choose numbers and facts that support their case and ignore, by not reporting, those that do not support their beliefs. The right does the same thing but their stats might better reflect reality.

    The result of any conversation in the best case is “We agree to disagree”. Worst case is a lost friend you may have had for years. I have experienced both scenarios. It boils down to a corrupt media that is motivated by agenda rather then objective truth and what is best for the country as a whole, as in the past. Without common facts and info distributed by an objective public media, there can be no agreement of reality. Cannot happen. Without this commonality and agreement of facts and reality, the result is that we are two groups of people with beliefs and values that are not common or shared, living on the same land with incompetent leadership that has an agenda that supports that leadership at the expense of the country and its citizens, as in SWAMP. Both political parties guilty. The leadership agenda is to continue the longevity of power and leadership by the ruling class at all cost, again, at the expense of the citizenry. So, in my world, my friends and acquaintances are welcome in my home but their ideas and values are not, so we don’t discuss politics. And because the media is no longer objective and because ALL news is politicized, I no longer listen to news of any kind. I think that covers it. My wife says I am now much easier to live with and life is more enjoyable by both of us.

  3. Stephen

    Fine job Henry. We are in this bubble on both sides. I saw something today that said 70 % of our print media is controlled by the left. Then we have the social media. I believe these are the major enemies for the middle and or right. We don’t know what to believe, however it was reported that (think 19%) that if they knew about Hunter problems they would have voted for Trump. Major media didn’t report it. That’s a major problem. Another problem is that we as conservatives, are in a loop of saying the same things to each other. We can’t influence anyone, because we are just talking to the same ideology to others like us.
    Once you express yourself to the other side you are vilified. There is zero logic. And I mean zero, in a calm conversation, they can’t have. I just forgave a friend of 40 years. A very educated and bright man. I warned him if he kept attacking me
    I would de friend him. That didn’t deter him. So I blocked him.

    He then was very upset. Too bad. I warned you. He went to my family and friends and expressed a willingness to make up. So after 9 months I relented and called him. And we had a long conversation about how we will move forward, otherwise I am not interested in a conflicting relationship. So, I am happy, as he is a great friend. And I value his friendship. But it took me to say no for it to come to this. I have several other far left people who I have had great relationships with , that won’t return my calls. Just crazy!!! Why can’t we just agree we don’t agree and move forward. Used to be that way, but no longer.

    Am very concerned about our youth and their education. We as conservatives, are going to be pressed out. 80% of media are against us. Where does the left get their news? Yep. How do we combat this? Don’t care if Trump starts a new media network. The same people will watch. Not who we need to get to. We keep preaching to the choir. Won’t work!!

    • patriot1971

      Stephen, you are correct about the bubble on both sides. That is why I make an attempt to talk to people with opposing views and opinions, as hard as that may be at times. The friend I used to have made it impossible. That was played out on previous blogs. I just keep trying to break through to the other side, that is why I blog.

  4. Jerry

    Good blog… and shows when people don’t know or have real facts, their only escape is to drift into making it emotional. I have learned it is a waste of time to engage with this type of person. I resort to people like this as a ‘project’, making it a fun time to change the subject about something totally unrelated, lead them down the garden path, circle back to the real truth, the U.S. being made non-relevant by current administration policies. As a Christian Believer, my view is Biblical Prophecy is being fulfilled at a much faster pace than ever. Revelation tells us who wins… We should ask the question to folks — which team are you on…

  5. christin wuestenhoefer

    First off, I am going to get emotional. I am very embarrassed by the president and the way he acts. I guess now I know how Dems felt for the last 4 years. However, Trump did great things for our country and was competent. Biden reminds me of a babbling old fool.

    Facts….I try to keep up on the facts from watching news. I think we need to start with the news only reporting real facts. I watch CNN and I an flabbergasted at all the fear mongering. Pushing covid down their viewers throats.

    I will say one thing Trump said was true and the democratic party is proving it, that is fake news. What I don’t understand is why are they being allowed to do this. Where are our republican politicians?

    • patriot1971

      I think the Republican politicians are asleep at the wheel as their vehicle is about to crash. We need good solid conservatives.

  6. Bobbie Hagar

    Everyone sees their own truth to what is happening. I have friends who wanted things to go back to “centered” in what they thought was a perfect scenario. These are friends who in fact are Republicans or Independents but truly felt Biden could rein things back in. They had everything negative to say about President Trump. Yes, they voted for Biden.

    Everyone has a deep strong opinion more so now than ever before. I do agree that living centered allowed the “live and let live approach.” Also the “don’t ask, don’t tell” motto as well.

    My next door neighbor has been gone this winter. She texted me after the riot at the Capitol. She asked:

    “Do you still support Trump? Do you believe the election was stolen? Was the attack on the Capitol OK? I am sorry to ask, but I feel the need to know how my neighbors feeling.”

    My response:
    “Hummmm Lori. Am surprised you would even ask me this?
    1. To start with NO the Capitol attack was not OK!
    2. With all the hearings of voter fraud from voters just like you and me YES I DEFINITELY KNOW THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN.
    3. When Trump said he was going to run on a platform of stopping the killing of innocent babies in the womb, building a border wall, stopping illegals, I said that is EXACTLY what I agree with. So, YES, I support those issues and know he did more in 4 years than most Presidents have done in 8!
    I think President Trump has been the battering ram for the Dems who have been trying to impeach him since day 1!
    Lies, impeachment’s, sabotage! It has all been done.
    NO, he did not encourage people to be violent.
    I say let him finish his Presidency and leave him the hell alone! I realize the storming the Capitol is more of an offense, but BURNING, LOOTING, KILLING for months in Seattle, Portland , Minneapolis should have consequences too!”

    Her response:
    “Thanks for your honest response.”

    I do not see there being respect for another’s opinion without labeling the person a racist, homophobic if you don’t agree any time in the near the near future, sorry to say .

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