Come What May

What I am about to discuss has weighed heavy on me for some time. I have watched and listened, and now like some invisible force, I am compelled to start the conversation. I typically like to think over each subject I decide to post and use my critical thinking skills as limited as they may be in the discourse. Western civilization is in deep trouble as mounting attacks on free speech and religion are more brazen in the United States, a country that used to be free and recognize these principles of our Constitution.

The concept of free speech and religion are synonymous and should be treated equally. That is not what is going on, and as independent, free-thinking peoples, we are being suppressed by several entities like big business, big tech, big pharma, and worst of all, big Government. The Government’s silence on the issues at hand is damning to their complicity in eroding our rights.

The attacks on Christianity and Judaism are increasing without let up. Christians and Jews are spiritual brothers and sisters in this fight for survival. A line has been drawn around all that believe.

For example, in China, Christianity is trying to gain a foothold, the Communist Chinese have taken to rewriting the Bible to support their ideology. For instance, to help their positions, they have created a cultural revolution forcing Christians to sign documents renouncing their faith. The CCP goes door-to-door, telling China’s people that evangelists have misled them into believing Christianity. These deception targets are given several weeks to reflect through self-examination on their error of believing in Christianity and sign documents attesting to their change in belief. There is a phrase for this action called “Sinicization of Christianity,” which means “Christianity in China” is being changed to “Chinese Christianity.” The plan is clear to mislead and deceive Christians.

The CCP is also heavily involved in rewriting the Bible. The most notable is the changing of John 8 from Jesus showing mercy to Jesus committing a murder of a woman caught in adultery. The story in the Bible is a story of forgiveness and redemption. The Chinese altered the story.

“1 But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
2 Now [a]early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them. 3 Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, 4 they said to Him, “Teacher, [b]this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now [c]Moses, in the law, commanded us [d]that such should be stoned. But what do You [e]say?” 6 This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, [f]as though He did not hear.
7 So when they continued asking Him, He [g]raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” 8 And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9 Then those who heard it, being[h] convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10 When Jesus had raised Himself up [i]and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers [j]of yours? Has no one condemned you?”
11 She said, “No one, Lord.”
And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go [k]and sin no more.” (New King James Version)

A new person just finding out about Christianity may not know such a difference and miss the meaning of the story. What is reported is this phrase, “When the crowd disappeared, Jesus stoned the sinner to death saying, ‘I, too, am a sinner. But if men could only execute the law without blemish, the law would be dead.”

The Chinese are also changing the art of Christianity, such as showing Mary, the mother of Jesus as an ancient Chinese woman and using Confucius’s sayings and comparing it to verses in the Bible. There are many examples, and I urge you to do your research.

Current information in the news (Radio Free Asia) today is reporting the CCP has made its Catholic Church, not run by the Vatican, and a Protestant Church is known as the Patriotic Three-Self Church. These groups are running secret mobile “brainwashing” and beating centers designed to have the Chinese people renounce Christianity, imprisoning people for up to six years.

I use the Communist Chinese Peoples Government because the current administration favors the CCP. There is discussion now by an Archbishop to remove biden from the Catholic Church because of his strong advocacy to kill babies through abortion. I think they should include Pelosi in the same order. We are hearing and seeing a constant drumbeat of suppression of our rights to free speech. Not being allowed to express thoughts or positions to the Government is in direct violation of the Constitution. This, of course, brings up a question, is the Government working through big tech and other big businesses to suppress our free speech? Doing this helps the Government avoid the Constitutional dilemma.

In California, attempts to stop religious services have been made by restricting the number of people that can attend service to ten. The Supreme Court stepped in and limited the order from the California Governor. However, the pressure is still on to subject Christians to harsh restrictions, and penalties just like Hitler did under Nazism to the Jews. In New York, the powers there attacked Jews and limited them from worship, primarily in New York City.

These events bring me to the conclusion that we, in this world, are living the ancient prophecies of the Bible. Based on my research, easily two-thirds of the Bible prophecies have come to pass. The remaining one-third is now unfolding. Bit by bit, they are coming true. The primary fulfillment of one such prophecy was the establishment of Israel. The prophecies said all of Israel would be scattered to all countries of the earth, so it was 70 A.D. However, the predictions said that all of Israel would be gathered again. People proclaimed this seemed like an impossible feat. No civilization ever has been scattered and brought back together after several thousand years, yet on May 14, 1948, Israel was declared and made a country, and all Jews flocked to Israel. Such a prophecy made thousands of years ago actually shows God’s word is true. Only people that refuse to hear, see and believe will scoff at this event.

During the end times, many will come proclaiming they are prophets and speak for God. They will be false prophets and teachers and will lead many astray (2 Peter 2:1). I find comfort in the Bible and scripture and the word of Jesus. HIS word, I can believe.

We live in a time of deception, the false words of propaganda, and evil. We are witnessing the slow decline and destruction of our country, which is sad but true. We are to blame for allowing those we put in power over us to do such destructive works. One day I fear we will not tell the difference between China and the United States. For those that will be here to see this first hand, I render my prayers.

Easter is upon us. Ask yourself quietly why Jesus was sacrificed for you?


  1. Charlotte

    This is by far your best and most important writing. The days ahead look dark and dreary, but for those of us who have put our trust in the Lord, we can rest assured He will get us through all that the enemy sends our way. Evidence confirms we are living in the last days. My heart aches for those who are following false gods rather than our Risen Savior. One of the most difficult things I have ever had to do is pray for those who have been unkind to me or those leading our nation down a destructive path. We must keep praying knowing that Romans 8:28 is not an empty promise. I’m grateful for all promises in the inerrant Word of God.

  2. Kenneth W. Minton

    I’ve found as I’ve gotten older, it is a bit easier to forgive (and forget) unkind things people said or did to me. I think partly that’s due to the wish the anyone I was unkind to (even if un-intentionally) will forgive me. One thing I find reassuring is reading the Beatitudes – Matthew 5: 1-12, especially
    Blessed Are the Merciful, for They Will Receive Mercy” (Matthew 5:7)

  3. Jerry

    Henry, this blog is so spot on and timely. To me it isn’t controversial, just telling the truth… For us conservatives and Christian Believers, the last election was disappointing but in reality if Trump would have won, we would have only got a pass for the next four years of delaying prophecy. As it turns out, with the current Washington Socialist Regime, we just get to smile and say to unbelievers, Prophecy is being fulfilled and facilitated at an accelerated rate by folks that don’t know about prophecy, don’t care about prophecy and think they are doing what the U.S. and world needs. The Holy Bible in Daniel and Revelation spells out about ‘end times’. The U.S will facilitate advancement of prophecy but has to become eventually non-relevant in the world order. We now have those leaders in place to make that happen.

    People can disagree with views like the Believers but scripture has never lied about this. There is so much evidence available that the unbelievers can only choose to ignore this but they can’t change what will really happen. Revelation tells us who WINS…

    Exciting times for sure…

  4. Julie Brown

    There is a reason the Evil of this world picked the Democrat Party to infiltrate and destroy our country. The majority have no morals or common sense and are easily swayed, corrupted and bought.

  5. Paivikki Buchwalter

    Excellent writing, Henry, and right on target.

    We indeed are witnessing the unfulfilled prophecies being fulfilled right in front of our very own eyes. According to the Bible, Jesus will come for his bride. And, from the looks of it, that could take place very soon.

    The question, I think, we all should ask ourselves is: how is my relationship with Christ? Does he know me? Am I one of those eagerly awaiting for his appearing?
    Based on the Scripture, Jesus is looking for an intimate relationship with each of us, which is not the type acquaintances have…

  6. Esther Ortiz

    Yes, we are in troubling times. But, we need to remember God is the Governor of the universe. I believe our main goal as Christians is to be a light for others who do not have hope especially in these times. We all need to be Christians first not to ID as a political party. It is the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20. The other fulfillment is the Temple needs to be built reference in the book of Daniel.

    • patriot1971

      Esther, The Book of Daniel is very revealing for our times and what is coming. I was at Bible study this evening and this Book was the source of discussion. We all feel things happening and are unfolding right before our eyes. For some it is hard to grasp what it all means. As Christians we need to keep the faith and not believe in the false prophets. I always go to scripture and ask the Holy Spirit to guide me in my understanding of the discord within the world and to point me in a righteous direction.

  7. You know who I am

    Thank goodness I am an atheist and don’t have to worry about your unproven fantasies.

    But, coward that you are, you’ll erase this post, won’t you?

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